Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [verb] known " in BNC.

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1 Theodora said slowly , ‘ I think I may have known Mrs Marr . ’
2 I ought to 'ave known the likes of you would n't do all the things you 've done for nothing .
3 He 's a thief , a criminal , he nicked my bag and I had to sift through every shit-bin in Bristol till I found my dreams and found out what I ought to 've known all along if you had n't …
4 I ought to have known .
5 Disappointment followed , the lurid projector of mental pictures shut down and I was left feeling I ought to have known better .
6 I ought to have known I could n't be so lucky .
7 Ma was always at her most unreasonable on do-days , and I must have known it was a do-day because not only did we have extra help in the house , but Nanny had been co-opted into the kitchen to make pastry .
8 I think I must have known the truth about myself , in some deep part of my mind , when I first read those few pages of your book in my master 's study .
9 I must have known that those were the very advantages I had been denying myself in denying myself food .
10 I 've got a batch of scones in the oven ; I must have known you were coming .
11 I must have known somehow that he was the only person who did n't think Jake was crazy .
12 No doubt it will transpire that I must have known this Paykhull . ’
13 I must have known — ’ Faye broke off .
14 When I came down here , I thought I must have known who it was .
15 I should 've known this but
16 I should have known better .
17 I should have known better , but we are learning now .
18 The interpreter , as I should have known , was his police minder .
19 I should have known though , should n't I ? — After him nicking them chocolate flakes , them crisps .
20 Damn you , Crevecoeur — I should have known something like this would happen !
21 I should have known I would have problems when I crossed the border of a place whose name I could hardly pronounce — Mosonmagyaróvár .
22 I should have known it was only because of something to do with work that you were so anxious to be with me .
23 I ca n't even remember what it was ; I should have known better . ’
24 They added it , I should have known , to try and get a younger audience and it was n't well understood by the people who wrote it .
25 He was playing so well at The Belfry ( Lawrence Batley International ) in his practice rounds , especially , that I should have known he was going to do something special .
26 I should have known that no amount of understanding can carry any individual for long against the swirling crowds of social existence , and that soon after rejoining them I too should be stampeding with them .
27 I should have known that eventually some man would come along and take advantage of the situation .
28 I should have known better than to take the word of any of that crowd from Donovan 's Square . ’
29 I should have known not to pick Wimbledon fortnight but , up until Ladies ' Singles finals , I thought the rain gods had been caught napping .
30 ‘ But there were three or four incidents off the ball , and I should have known it was me they would try and pin something on .
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