Example sentences of "[pron] [be] like trying " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Trying to talk to you is like trying to charge through a brick wall .
2 Trying to snatch a word with you is like trying to hold on to a fistful of quicksilver . ’
3 ‘ Getting information from anybody is like trying to extract teeth . ’
4 Arguing with him was like trying to wade through treacle — impossible !
5 The momentum is there and it 's like trying to change the course of a battleship .
6 It 's like trying to break into the Kremlin strongbox . ’
7 He was more elated than when he had been shooting as an international for Great Britain : ‘ It 's like trying to get eight draws on the football pools — anybody can win .
8 It 's like trying to turn beef steak rawk into a New Age lentilburger , not by changing the ingredients but simply enveloping it all in a laser-fried wholemeal bun and hoping that nobody will notice the difference .
9 It 's like trying to peel an onion .
10 It 's like trying to breathe through a thick chador . ’
11 For thirty minutes it is like trying to push a marshmallow into a coinbox .
12 It is like trying to get a firm grip on a plateful of pudding .
13 Again , the control layout would bother me because the volume pot for the bridge pickup is the middle of the three , but I think I could get used to it — although at present it is like trying to get used to driving a new car where they 've put the gearstick in the middle of the passenger seat .
14 It is like trying to ladle out the sea with a sieve . )
15 It is like trying to predict the outcome of a game of chess before anyone has made a move .
16 It is like trying to push on a piece of string : it can not be done .
17 By this time , we got the impression that the gulf between Walworth Road and Streatham was so great , it was like trying to control unruly hill tribes beyond Hadrian 's Wall .
18 It was like trying to age an oak .
19 It was like trying to prepare for an earthquake or a hurricane .
20 I could n't understand how I could possibly make the individual pine-needles knit ; it was like trying to carry grain in a net , or water in a cloth .
21 The solid uncooperative bundle was surprisingly heavy ; it was like trying to manoeuvre a firm and rather smelly poultice .
22 It was like trying to whistle with a sardine in your mouth .
23 It was like trying to shore up a wall of quicksand .
24 John 's tears were so enormous it was like trying to stem a leak in the plumbing .
25 It was like trying to recall a dream .
26 She and I separated ( it was like trying to unpick a mangled shoelace ) and I staggered through to take the call .
27 It was like trying to push a fully harnessed plough horse .
28 She tried to keep the conversation general and without barbs but it was like trying to float a small boat in a treacherous sea .
29 The view through the small rear mirror is rather limited , as Jill Stanton has mentioned before , and the manual wing mirrors are so stiff that trying to fine-tune them is like trying to thread a needle wearing boxing gloves .
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