Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [not/n't] suggested " in BNC.

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1 It is not suggested that each offence should be ranked according to the seriousness of its after-effects on the particular victim — although there is an argument for assuming that young victims will be particularly damaged by unwanted sexual experiences , and therefore for regarding such offences as more serious .
2 It is not suggested that Mrs Browne carried her spinning wheel through her garden and across the lane to perform on her wheel .
3 It is not suggested that the teacher should keep up a non-stop commentary or continually repeat the children 's answers and comments for the benefit of the rest of the group .
4 ( If the computer terminology makes you reel uncomfortable , remember that it is not suggested that we are computers .
5 It is not suggested that the results of assessment should be adjusted to take account of characteristic differences between groups in performance .
6 However , it must be pointed out that not all monopoly suppliers act against the public interest ( eg it is not suggested even by the most ardent advocate of privatisation — refer to Chapter 3 — that the water supply or sewage disposal industries should provide competitive services to each household ; the duplication of resources in these cases would be extremely wasteful to society ) , nor do all oligopolies abuse their position .
7 However , it is not suggested , pace Fuller , that the internal morality of law is inherent in the most efficient methods of subjecting human conduct to the governance of rules , although there is more strength than has been generally granted in the view that government can only be compatible with the dignity of man if Fuller 's eight requirements for making law are satisfied ( Nicholson , 1973–4 ) .
8 While it is not suggested that this roll of honour is exhaustive , a list would , even on a world-wide basis , be strikingly short .
9 Ratio and proportion are difficult concepts and therefore a limited number of questions was used , but it is not suggested that these represent the only possible ones for lower attainers .
10 It could not be suggested that these justices in the instant case did not take time to consider the matter and it is not suggested , nor could it be , that they did not take a great deal of care in carrying out their duties .
11 It is not suggested that it is negligent in any way .
12 It is not suggested that the money belongs to the former regime of Siad Barre , nor that it is the property of a government or governmental agency rather than state property belonging to the Republic .
13 We should note that in recognising that companies have power , it is not suggested that their power is anything like absolute .
14 It is not suggested however that directors ' duties , which are largely of judicial creation , are shaped by a theory that regards the purpose of the company and company law as being to further the public interest : it is not suggested that the ‘ social enterprise ’ perspective has influenced the development of the law .
15 It is not suggested however that directors ' duties , which are largely of judicial creation , are shaped by a theory that regards the purpose of the company and company law as being to further the public interest : it is not suggested that the ‘ social enterprise ’ perspective has influenced the development of the law .
16 It is not suggested that the individual types fit any specific political system .
17 It is not suggested that any but a small proportion of private homes are like this , but where such conditions do occur , it indicates that the vetting , registration and monitoring procedures are failing .
18 Whilst it is not suggested that such behaviour is common , the temptation to copy , or at least to fail to acknowledge the other thesis as a source , is made stronger by the knowledge that such unscrupulous acts are very difficult to detect , because the original works , if unpublished , may only be known to the researchers and to their supervisors .
19 It is not proposed that in every case a single indicator will suffice for a concept on every occasion , and it is not suggested that in every case an indicator will fully represent the concept it is to " stand for " .
20 It has often been claimed that English speech is rhythmical , and that the rhythm is detectable in the regular occurrence of stressed syllables ; of course , it is not suggested that the timing is as regular as a clock — the regularity of occurrence is only relative .
21 It was n't suggested to Mr when he gave evidence that there was another man at the flat that night , I am told that if it had been his answer would have been an unequivocal no .
22 Further , while it was said that the decision of Browne J. in the Bognor Regis case [ 1972 ] 2 Q.B. 169 had been generally approved , or not criticised , by textbook writers , and by the Faulks Committee in 1975 , it was not suggested that Parliament had in any legislation apparently treated that decision as representing settled law .
23 It was not suggested by counsel for the mother that , if the non est factum plea failed , she might nonetheless be entitled to rectification against the chargees .
24 Held , ( 1 ) refusing to join B. as a party , that , since B. claimed no personal interest in the money in court and it was not suggested that the money belonged to the ousted regime , her only locus standi would be as a person entitled to represent the Republic of Somalia ; but that , on the evidence , B. had no recognition as a representative of the Republic in the United Kingdom ( post , pp. 749H — 750B ) .
25 Of these three , bad environment must of course be taken seriously , and it was not suggested that environmental factors did not play an important part in health deterioration , but ‘ environment is not the only factor so operative and possibly not the most important one ’ ( M'Gonigle and Kirby , 1936 , p. 148 ) .
26 It was not suggested that either the solicitors , who were simply carrying out a straightforward conveyancing transaction , or Mrs G herself , had any criminal or quasi-criminal intent or were aware of the suspected intent of the alleged drug trafficker .
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