Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pron] seemed " in BNC.

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1 Then , just when Rachel was feeling she wanted it to go on forever , this exciting masquerade between the two of them where it seemed as if the rest of the world did n't exist , she found herself beside Danny who began stuttering and waving his arms , obviously trying to tell her something .
2 It was his and it seemed a palace .
3 She raised her tear-stained face to his and it seemed quite natural to place his lips on has , and since she seemed to welcome it , he kept them there .
4 Fabien also , of course , but it was always me that she seemed to prefer — or so I liked to think .
5 She wondered what her father and brothers were doing at that moment , and pictured Niall and Roger riding in through the castle gate with more stories of escapades , cattle raids , skirmishes , pranks and hunting expeditions ; and so vividly could she imagine them that it seemed that she actually heard their voices , saw their red-cheeked smiles , and smelt the leather of their boots and the steam from their bodies when they came into the big kitchen at the end of a day .
6 Somebody or something seemed to be trying to speak to her but she felt cut off like a prisoner in a sound-proof box .
7 There was no particular reason why he should have acted as honest broker in this affair , but he had taken it on , and had been quite pleased with himself when he seemed to have brought things off .
8 Was Ipuky as sure of himself as he seemed ?
9 It seemed to suit me and I seemed to suit it and I felt comfortable .
10 I thought of Angela Brickell 's death and of the attacks on Harry and me and it seemed that all three had had one purpose , which was to keep things as they were .
11 Forgive me if I seemed confused .
12 The erotic quality had drained from them and they seemed like sepia prints in an album of someone else 's relations .
13 So delightfully muzzy was she that it seemed to her the night in Nice had never happened …
14 And Creggan followed her helpless gaze , out past the bars to the great sky itself and it seemed that direction came suddenly to him at last .
15 I was afraid it might be too much for you but you seemed so happy . ’
16 It was only it was only that erm you know erm when you said the sixty pen pence it was the one that was the only one that I seemed to get stuck on .
17 The only experience of collectivization there 'd been was the Soviet one and they seemed to have known at least something about the Soviet , they knew it involved a lot of force they knew that if you were going to collect you were going to collectivize you needed the mechaniz well they thought that you needed the mechanization first and they knew that they d A they did n't have the capacity for that mechanization they did n't want to use force I mean i it would , i it would have been very dangerous , would n't it , to go back to the countryside collectivization .
18 George 's part , throughout the novel , was always a major one and he seemed to have a ‘ say ’ in everything .
19 As far as I was concerned , reading was an automatic skill rather than an indication of superior intelligence or understanding , and no one but myself seemed to have noticed the difference , or even realised that there was one .
20 The policeman on duty was a different one but he seemed to have already struck up a friendship with Fenella .
21 The use of ‘ opens ’ was a paradoxical one as it seemed to address the unacknowledged absence of black women in white feminist discourses which encouraged women to re-see , re-read and re-invent lives and histories .
22 This view angered me because it seemed to judge everything in purely monetary terms .
23 She was free to go as close to the man 's music as she dared , to stare as long as she wanted , to dance on the kerb right beside him where he seemed so tall he almost blacked out the sky , and the music so overwhelming you could hear nothing else .
24 It struck him that it seemed weird that Leeds rejected continuous bids from Blackburn all through the season and then suddenly , out of the blue , accepted one .
25 She was so aware of him that he seemed to be touching her from a long way off .
26 Was there something wrong with her that she seemed to shy away from commitment ?
27 It struck her that he seemed to have tacked himself on to the others .
28 They found her drawings and watercolours too like his own and he disguised his embarrassment by joking to her that he seemed to have cornered the nut-tree market .
29 She was as much a part of this murky landscape now as if she had been born here , every step of the way between Miss Gemma Dallam 's cloistered corner and her own — in spirit a universe apart — being so familiar to her that it seemed she had always known them , or had known them before , in another place , a dozen other places ; another life .
30 But the Friar 's wits had not yet returned to him and he seemed not to hear what the Trapper said .
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