Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] seemed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Gnostic teacher , Cerinthus , was active in Asia Minor at the time when John wrote , and he taught that the heavenly Christ came upon the human Jesus only at his baptism , and left him before his passion : the union between them only seemed to be real -actually it was merely temporary .
2 It 's hard to tell , cos I always seemed to be awake , but then I remember waking up with a jump when this voice comes over the loud speaker .
3 In spite of all my education , I still seemed to be the coarse , common boy she used to laugh at .
4 I never seemed to be sort of up to the other scholars at all .
5 Well , you know , it you see , time were , I do n't know I suppose , I do n't know but I never seemed to be afraid and I used to have my or something round my waist , a belt with the keys hanging on and they supplied me with a as well , one of these , I do n't know what they 're made of they were n't all that heavy but still they were heavy enough to keep on .
6 I was just six then , and while Blyth knew that I had had some sort of little accident when I was much younger I certainly seemed to him to be a lot more able-bodied that he was .
7 Chemistry in turn , even ‘ organic chemistry ’ , was considerably more advanced than the life-sciences , which just seemed to be taking off into an era of exciting progress .
8 He was certainly an attractive man , with bright , smiling eyes and a face which always seemed to be on the point of laughter .
9 Not so popular was the experimental survival section of the course which always seemed to be carried out in extremely inclement weather with a helicopter helping to increase the discomfort of tossing about on a life raft in Plymouth Sound .
10 I could wish , incidentally , that Eliot had retained the original title of Wan na Go Home , Baby ? which always seemed to me exactly right .
11 The lights , which once seemed to be there to compensate for any lackings in the performers ' abilities , are now secondary to the punch of the music .
12 Labour politicians , even those with a training in economics , were muddled about the issues , and generally seemed to favour the historic average cost principles , which also seemed to many at the time to be enshrined in the wording of the Act , which merely required the industry to break even ‘ taking one year with another ’ .
13 Supporters of détente in the 1970s could argue that personal contacts , trade and the Helsinki agreements had undermined the Soviet hold on the East , but opponents of détente could counter that Reagan 's Cold War policies had helped to put unbearable strains on the Soviet economy , which now seemed on the verge of collapse .
14 Hope walked rapidly from the outlying church towards Keswick which now seemed like a net , dropped on him when he was unaware , leaving him pinioned …
15 I have returned from the toughest trial that I have ever seen I he had already been wounded , for the third time , near Douaumont on February 25th ] — four days and four nights — ninety-six hours — the last two days soaked in icy mud — under terrible bombardment , without any shelter other than the narrowness of the trench , which even seemed to be too wide ; not a hole , not a dugout , nothing , nothing .
16 Clarissa pointed out that nobody else seemed to be making a fuss .
17 Nobody else seemed to be interested .
18 The airstrip , with its unfriendly yellow cross that warned strange aircraft from landing , had been built across the curved flukes of the anchor , which otherwise seemed to be covered in low scrub , slash pine and sea-grape .
19 Just inside the big double entrance doors were hundreds of tiles which never seemed to be sold .
20 Josh was still bewildered by the sudden change in living standard from California sun and the constant care of cheerful Kathy ( now working for another family in nearby Markham Square ) to the stuffy flat in Pimlico where his babysitter , Mrs Gooden , a retired cook , watched over Josh and her other six little charges , one of whom always seemed to be bare-bottomed and on the potty .
21 He looked around briefly at the women with the scraggy necks in the Laura Ashley dresses , and the men who all seemed to be wearing red ties , and probably Seiko watches — but for a different reason from Bob .
22 Despite this chilly inconvenience , however , the place was crowded with people who all seemed to be talking at once .
23 If she ever saw her , she thought worriedly ; she always seemed to be rushing off somewhere — and then she jumped when someone tapped on the door .
24 When I asked why , he said he had seen through her , though she always seemed like a nice girl to me .
25 She hardly seemed to be listening to what he was saying .
26 I tried to contact you from time to time but you always seemed to be somewhere else . ’
27 Joan Halton is disturbed by an old guilt related to the underlying resentment and fury she felt in respect of her younger sister who always seemed to be allowed to come first .
28 I remember some other kids , a girls ' dorm , green-painted walls with a red border half-way up , a stiff roller-towel next to a wash-hand-basin , the scent of carbolic soap , hugs from a kind , laughing lady with large arms and the comforting smell of B.O. , and a small , quiet , wiry man who always seemed to be sweeping and winking .
29 The closing of the launderette had given rise to a case in the County Court , in which Edward and she had been held not to blame , but had been conscious of the contempt of their solicitor , who always seemed to be in a great hurry .
30 The loss of Mr Moynihan 's seat marks the end of a career of one who once seemed to be a young Tory success story .
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