Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] stick to " in BNC.

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1 I had problems with tutors trying to encourage me to diversity my work and experiment with other styles , but I was quite happy with the direction my work was heading so I stubbornly stuck to it .
2 I had problems with tutors trying to encourage me to diversity my work and experiment with other styles , but I was quite happy with the direction my work was heading so I stubbornly stuck to it .
3 This was perhaps the most directly inflationary aspect of Pitt 's financial management , and the bridging of the gap between income and expenditure was not helped by his stubbornly sticking to the idea of the Sinking Fund .
4 I suppose the main difference I notice about living in the two environments is how my dress is n't bound by convention on the island , I just stick to wearing what is most comfortable .
5 I always stick to the limits and am not a boy racer , ’ he said .
6 It shows what we 've been saying for a long time , how fragile the markets in this recycling are , and I still stick to what I 've thought all along , that marketing comes first and making the product comes second .
7 Chairman and I , I still stick to wh what I said that I think that we ought to reverse and , and p put two to number one erm er and with the addition of those words , because
8 I felt preternaturally over-sexed , and despite being removed from The Fat Controller 's proximate influence I still stuck to this rule .
9 She advises them not to stick to scientism , but to draw on dreams , fantasies , and utopian wonderlands as well .
10 Will you risk my dry Martini or would you rather stick to sherry ? ’
11 ‘ You do get the believers and the buffs , the little sects who just stick to their beliefs and wo n't listen to anything else .
12 yeah , that 's the core but it needs fleshing out more and a has agreed that you know it 's if you just stuck to the Editor 's Handbook it 's too narrow and it does need , I mean B A I E in London thus far are being extremely helpful if slightly cautious and I 've to go down and talk to the revamped education committee when the revamped education committee gets around to having a meeting
13 Nice going Pearce … why do nt you just stick to ‘ inspiring ’ Forests continued decline ? ?
14 We knew she would n't go near the road because she was so frightened of people and movement that she always stuck to the security and space of the golf course .
15 Assuming now that I was aware of one or two facts of which you , my dear , could not be , assuming that I had something of importance to communicate to Michel , would you still stick to your stubborn refusal ? ’
16 A MAN who usually stuck to soft drinks died after downing at least a dozen whiskies , an inquest heard yesterday .
17 Consumers who once stuck to favourite brands most or all of the time are now willing to try any item that catches their eye .
18 As long as you also stick to your diet , weight loss will occur .
19 The restoration of the once-derelict mill was carried out by Wilf Medlam who steadfastly stuck to his policy of using the correct parts and materials wherever possible .
20 So just keep telling yourself beforehand that whatever else happens , you are going to be the sole runner among the 25,000 who resolutely sticks to his/her comfortable training pace from Mile One .
21 ‘ Can we just stick to what we 're here to discuss ?
22 He puts great emphasis on the difficulties of prediction , and urges that where there are rules to which people do in fact adhere for the most part , and which help maintain the social stability required for any kind of good to flourish , we are likely to come nearest to doing what is objectively right ( in terms of its actual consequences ) if we also stick to the rules , but that where the rules , however useful they would be if generally obeyed , are widely flouted we should make a direct judgement of what will have the best consequences .
23 They only stick to Union regulations when it suits them . ’
24 Although if they use newspapers to do it , they generally stick to the one method .
25 Later she wondered if he was counting on her not sticking to her resolution .
26 All you ever hear is how great football teams like Newcastle/Chelsea/West Ham/Liverpool/Scum have always played ( even Wolves got a mention somewhere the other day ) , & how they always stick to thier principles .
27 Can maths teachers be entrusted with drawing inferences , trends etc. from significant data , or must they automatically stick to anodyne data which will offend no one but will automatically remove true significance from their work and lead to many students being bereft of motivation ?
28 Prodded for details of his own guitar tunings , Cooder reveals that he mostly sticks to DGDGBD , a plain open G , or DADF&sharp ; AD , an open D , although he sometimes changes the open G to an open C , or tunes the second string up to make open D into a D6 tuning .
29 But he normally sticks to brackets rather than , he 's got X is it X squared plus four , it 's exactly the same .
30 How can anyone seriously stick to a diet if they are hungry ?
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