Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [be] before " in BNC.

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1 I went on my way happy after that — indeed , happier than I had been before I had seen the strange apparitions-and it occurred to me that somebody both less logical and less imaginative would have jumped to the conclusion that what they had seen were UFOs .
2 ‘ Have you any idea where she 'd been before she phoned ? ’
3 Because the horror of the garden-master puppet belonged mostly to someone else now , to the person she had been before she saw that meanings were the most important thing in the worlds .
4 He 'd done it again , she thought morosely , yet for a while , back there in the field , she 'd felt almost like her old self , the person she had been before Ryan had come into her life .
5 Those who have been before would n't touch it with a bargepole and those of more tender years are almost certain to have been warned off anyway .
6 You do n't know where they 've been before they came into your kitchen .
7 The last light he saw was before the large rectangular lid of the boot came down on him .
8 In short , said the doomsayers , the Middle East would be much worse off than it had been before the American-led coalition drove Iraq 's army out of Kuwait .
9 That is to say , scholars have assumed that around 1550 the English language became much more convergent than it had been before even though there can be no direct evidence that spoken English did become more convergent .
10 He would go to sleep and I would lie there with tears running down my face thinking how good it had been before the baby came .
11 It was better this way ; somehow she would manage to see Dana before Roman did , and then she would leave and take up her life as it had been before she had met Roman almost a week ago .
12 He was far more suspicious of her now than he had been before she 'd told him about Dana , and he still thought she was Garry 's lover .
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