Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] that britain " in BNC.

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1 In particular , Germany can be expected to become more outspoken in its demands that Britain surrenders at least a part of its ‘ budget rebate ’ , finally clinched by Mrs Thatcher in 1988 .
2 But she stressed her belief that Britain is winning allies for opposing what was only ‘ a blueprint ’ .
3 ‘ Hong Kong People Rule Hong Kong ’ : the slogan propagated by China during the 1982-84 sovereignty negotiations , to encourage popular local support for its demand that Britain withdraw completely from the administration of Hong Kong on 30 June 1997 .
4 The main pan of the article was devoted to arguing that the National Front had taken into account the relevant facts in coming to its conclusions that Britain should be populated solely by white-skinned people .
5 The Americans were friendly and polite , but there was no mistaking their view that Britain had gone downhill to the point that we had become an irrelevance .
6 In the race to present the ‘ greenest ’ image in advance of the next election , the present government may find it prudent to revise its view that Britain can not afford such luxuries .
7 The Oxford economists , Bacon and Eltis , found a receptive audience across the political spectrum for their diagnosis that Britain was generating far too few producers of wealth .
8 Benjamin Disraeli became Prime Minister of the British Parliament in 1874 and remained in that office until 1880 It was during his administration that Britain purchased a major holding of the shares of the Suez Canal Company
9 Auque 's news appeared to point to the fact that John was being held by an Iranian-backed group , and in March Hashemi Rafsanjani called a news conference in Tehran during which he repeated his request that Britain should help locate the missing Iranians in Beirut if it wanted Iran to help with the British hostages .
10 He made no secret of his belief that Britain would NEVER go back into the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
11 Not even American hostility to the British Empire as then constituted — and so resolutely defended by him — seriously disturbed his belief that Britain would find her main security in a transatlantic relationship .
12 Notwithstanding his own desire to deflate or remove Nasser , and his belief that Britain and France might with reason fear Nasser as a major long-term threat , this did not justify precipitate and premature action .
13 He will appeal to the public today in an attempt to drive home his claim that Britain has an ‘ historic opportunity ’ for a partnership government .
14 Mr Delors claimed Mr Major had gone back on his word that Britain would help fund the EC-backed High Definition TV , being developed by France and Holland .
15 Dean Acheson had caused a storm in the British media with his suggestion that Britain 's world role was just about played out .
16 Those principles reflect our conviction that Britain has done best when the people of Britain have been given the personal incentive to succeed .
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