Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] bringing [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , on becoming prime minister after Craigavon 's death in 1940 , Andrews was also at sea , his loyalty to old colleagues preventing him from bringing in new men .
2 The sister who 'd protested and overruled her by bringing in another doctor to relieve Brückner 's suffering .
3 Now I promise to devote myself to bringing down the costs of your mortgages because I believe that people should be able to own their own homes and to own them cheaply . ’
4 You should have dedicated yourself to bringing up your child … . ’
5 Egalitarian feminist psychology analyses traditional psychology 's errors and omissions about gender , and hopes to correct them by bringing in more female psychologists , extending male-oriented psychological work to include women , and adjusting existing procedures and theories .
6 state in the book policy er stable is n't an a stability is rural to the future generations , thank er thank relevant to the suit of each and I really do n't think they would erm thank us for bringing about a demeaning for our premier , international premier this road .
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