Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] assume [that] " in BNC.

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1 None the less , in the realm of human events , the teaching of Jesus still goes against our conventional suppositions , because we all assume that big outcomes need big inputs .
2 We all assumed that O was a man with a past .
3 Without giving it much thought , we all assumed that after the present infatuations had cooled down , Andrew would marry Judith , but it never happened , although he did marry twice during his later years in Toronto .
4 When Rohan left as he did , we thought — we all assumed that he had gone to prepare your home together at Arrancay . ’
5 We all assumed that because of the , yeah the media pressure , at least talks would start , but I think possibly the management thought that because of this one-sided pressure , you know it seemed at the time that nothing nice was being said about the management , you know you can almost understand them being reluctant to go into a room and offering their side of the argument .
6 Are we correct to assume that media coverage helps to excuse or justify police aggression ?
7 They all assumed that Louis 's stroke was the result of his grief .
8 It did not make sense to see all the lower animals as merely immature versions of humankind , nor was it possible to assume that every extinct population had been perfectly adapted to the conditions of its own time .
9 On this side of the Channel , in contrast , religion still maintains its place in schools , however uneasily ; and this itself has made it easier to assume that somehow or other there will be moral teaching as well .
10 Each of these immunities is of great importance , but the fact that they are all important and that they are all concerned with the protection of citizens against the abuse of powers by those investigating crimes makes it easy to assume that they are all different ways of expressing the same principle , whereas in fact they are not .
11 ‘ Each of these immunities is of great importance , but the fact that they are all important and that they are all concerned with the protection of citizens against the abuse of powers by those investigating crimes makes it easy to assume that they are all different ways of expressing the same principle , whereas in fact they are not .
12 Mathematicians find it useful to assume that a tiny part of the circumference of a large circle can be regarded as straight .
13 Nor is it unreasonable to assume that given a sufficient respite they hoped that Britain 's own nuclear force might become strong enough to act as a deterrent to a Soviet attack on the home islands .
14 Was it insulting to assume that mothers still raised their children ?
15 Quite apart from the earlier argument about reification , is it legitimate to assume that the development of the whole school will be achieved by the collective professional development of its teachers ?
16 Was it correct to assume that women were invisible in the public domain because their interests as ‘ partners ’ in the family were adequately and fairly represented there by men ?
17 In these circumstances is it realistic to assume that workers , particularly workers covered by union agreements , make significant blunders in dividing W by P ?
18 Neither is it valid to assume that a full stop indicates sentence termination .
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