Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] been around " in BNC.

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1 I wish I 'd been around when the Titanic
2 While I had been around , it had been easy to smooth things over , but now I was at her mercy .
3 ‘ Look , kid , I 've been around , I know what happens with kids like you .
4 But he added : ‘ I 've been around for 30-odd years so I 'd like to it was down to all my TV work .
5 Now , I 've been around for a lot of years and I know a bad girl when I see one .
6 I 've been around , ’ she said as they moved out onto the floor .
7 I 've been around too long to fall for tricks like that .
8 ‘ And I do it so that people know I 've been around and I 've kept my eyes open . ’
9 Erm I do n't think I did no , oh no they did n't they would n't think of doing that then , but they do now and erm then I , I 've been around at Wiggens the old hall table where people you know , worked in the warehouse there and I 've done all sorts
10 I have been around too long to take anything for granted so when I saw which way the wind was blowing I just buckled down and got on with playing . ’
11 I do find that I have been around everywhere .
12 I have been around to all of them , most of the shops in the town and we will be patrolling all the time .
13 I have been around to all of them , most of the shops in the town and we will be patrolling all the time .
14 The theory of risk compensation , which has been around for years , says that drivers adjust the amount of risks they take to keep their perceived level of risk constant .
15 Axil 's existing compatibles are the $13,000 HWS-S210 which has been around for some time , the $17,000 HWS-S310 model 3.0 and the $23,500 HWS-S310 model 4.1 which are due next quarter .
16 There is , however , one little car which has been around for almost 33 years , is enjoying a revival in popularity and still holds it second-hand value well .
17 Amazingly , it only just noses ahead of DR DOS , which has been around for over 18 months .
18 THE problems of keeping walls in mortuary and undertakers ' premises clean and hygienic , while still keeping them attractive for the staff , is one which has been around for many years .
19 litre turbocharged engine , a revamped version of the Ford diesel unit which has been around for a few years .
20 A woman of 40 came with digestive disturbance which had been around for twenty years and which had been ameliorated but not cured by previous homœopathic treatment .
21 Then the rain which had been around all day drove them inside the house , where , bored , they wandered restlessly though the rooms .
22 Research identified that retailers were using cheap methods of display which had been around since the 1950's .
23 If Hancock himself had been around , he would have doubtless squirmed as the audience laughed their heads off .
24 Are they recent arrivals from Norway , or birds which have been around since the autumn migration ?
25 These are all approaches which have been around for some time — in the case of the perennial philosophy a very long time — and while , no doubt , they have a great deal to contribute , it is surely probable that the impulse for any paradigm shift will come from an unseen direction .
26 ‘ If you 'd been around where you should have been , then possibly Ace would n't have had to take such instant action to avoid Dara ! ’
27 If you 'd been around , I 'm sure I would have been able to say no . ’
28 How come the Europeans accept musicians who 've been around for a while , but we British just pour scorn on them as has-beens ?
29 Chairman before before you do finally er pack your bag and zoom off back to wherever it is you 're going , could I on behalf of the county council and all of our participants here today and those who 've been around in the last fortnight thank you and Miss Whittaker and your assistant able assistants er Mrs Binns and Dave in the programme office for the sterling work they 've done .
30 ‘ Trouble with you , Pangloss , is you 've been around too long , ’ retorted Peter Panic , staring gloomily into his Perrier-with-a-twist-of-lime .
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