Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] died from " in BNC.

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1 She 'd died from multiple stab wounds to the chest .
2 She 'd died from a blow to her neck .
3 A post morteum revealled she 'd died from a large fracture of the skull , soon after she 'd been born .
4 She 'll also meet relatives of people who 've died from Aids , including this mother who wrote to the group .
5 A post-mortem examination disclosed she had died from a single knife wound , which had severed the artery .
6 A post mortem revealed she had died from shock .
7 Swindon coroner John Elgar said she had died from asphyxiation .
8 When Aunt Lilian wrote to tell him of my mother 's death — she said she had died from pneumonia — he sent a wreath of lilies and a letter , saying that if it had not been for her tuition , he would not be where he was now .
9 Surgeons operated on a 22-year-old American male who had died from gunshot wounds .
10 CD 's reference to his succeeding the experimental philosophical pig who had died from ‘ taking a bath at too high a temperature ’ , and thus falling a victim ‘ to his thirst for knowledge ’ is a jocose allusion to Pliny 's death during the eruption of Vesuvius , which he was trying to study at close quarters .
11 This was in memory of a local boy who had died from multiple sclerosis and it was hoped that the prize would encourage the young men to take part .
12 His brief obituaries of friends who have died from HIV sear the eyes and mind .
13 Three cheers for that — but they are three cheers three years too late in terms of Government action , the tens of thousands of people who have died from smoking , and the tens of thousands more who have taken up smoking during that time .
14 When I first heard about it , someone said to me , within the next ten years , one of ten of us will know of someone who 's died from it .
15 ‘ But the other , the man , the forensic pathologist thought he 'd died from the effects of nerve gas . ’
16 Inside the blazing bedsit accomodation , in a hallway of the top floor they discovered the body of Michael Chatfield , believed to be in his forties … he 'd died from smoke inhalation .
17 An hour after the seven-year-old bitch 's death a veterinary surgeon found its body temperature was 109.2 degrees and it had died from heart failure caused by heat stress , Birmingham magistrates were told .
18 In 1988 a baby dolphin was found floating in the Bay , it had died from toxic hepatitis and its body was heavily contaminated with organochlorines .
19 The later wildness and eccentricity of his style were completely out of character with his conventional , moral and industrious way of life ; his obituary reported that he had died from overwork .
20 He had died from natural causes .
21 The slash of blood across his throat and down his cheek revealed the knife wound he had died from .
22 The experts would say that he had died from suboxia — oxygen deficiency brought about in this case , Wycliffe believed , by a virulent poison .
23 Those close to him rejected official claims ( later confirmed by a post-morten requested by the Justice Ministry ) that he had died from high blood pressure , alleging instead that he had been tortured .
24 He had died from a shotgun would .
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