Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 And er I got , they 'd got about twelve hundred members , and I think I got about a thousand , of course there were n't two of the men that knew and they voted .
2 The first season I fished it I caught a solitary barbel , during the second I caught about a dozen and in the third well over fifty .
3 Erm yeah I suppose about an hour , zing zing zing zing , it 's got a really , it 's got some really gay carols in .
4 I once calculated that I did about a thousand hours ' work in the three years I was there , an average of an hour a day .
5 Well I 've got the little blue packet yeah and I 'm screaming yeah I thought that I won about a hundred pounds or something yeah .
6 Yeah cos they only took a hundred and something , but he said if I take about a hundred and something pound a day
7 So then if suddenly I have about a tenth of them entries .
8 Cousin Island also has a small population of giant tortoises , including ‘ George ’ said to be 150 years old and one of the survivors of the endemic subspecies , the others having been introduced from the island of Aldabra which lies about a thousand kilometres away off the north of Madagascar .
9 My team , Guizhou Agricultural College , were beaten 24–16 by the Guizhou University in a game which attracted about a hundred spectators and in which ten tries were scored .
10 Peterson have no pretensions about selling these racks to the masses , because of course they 're really for well-heeled professionals , and a pocket tuner ( which costs about a tenth of the price of the R450 ) really is adequate for most things .
11 Other big spenders include personal social services and the police , each of which takes about a tenth .
12 There are hides and a footpath around the reserve which takes about an hour to walk .
13 The number of black holes may well be greater even than the number of visible stars , which totals about a hundred thousand million in our galaxy alone .
14 The result represented a victory for the " moderate " current associated with President Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani , already apparently favoured by the pre-election screening which eliminated about a third of the prospective candidates — most of them reportedly belonging to the more radical faction .
15 Their crime is to protest against the day-to-day control which the Guatemalan army has exercised over their lives — an army which consumes about a third of the national budget .
16 And the kind of thing they made of course erm were just short moments of motion , short silent films which showed action which lasted about a minute .
17 Mr Wharfe and another Scotland Yard colleague boarded a Liat flight for a journey which lasted about an hour , the same time it takes to get to St Kitts .
18 This service often involves breaking security systems , most of which take about a minute to get through .
19 The work , which runs about an hour and 20 minutes , is made up of four sections ; Black , White , Red and Gold .
20 That 's what you want really , you want about a thousand of them now
21 ‘ How d' you feel about a second honeymoon ? ’
22 The ladies , who run about a third of the distance of the men 's race and carry twenty kilo sacks , can win similar prizes , a trophy , voucher , money and goblets instead of tankards .
23 Erm , I really feel that this consultation is coming more than a too late because we started on the slippery slope when the consortium was er first dreamed of o , you know about a year ago and set up in April and that really this is the sort of the inexorable next move , and this consultation is far far too late !
24 space actually , I mean , you get about a hundred people on here , it 's , it 's , it 's alright .
25 Right now she needed about a million cups of coffee .
26 You get paid for playing er , you do n't ha or you have very few scores , you do n't have line-outs and basically you tackle about a hundred million times a game .
27 He left the shop only to find another barrow boy , who looked about a year younger than himself , was already selling chestnuts from his pitch .
28 Well there was , did you hear about the woman in Ireland who won about a hundred and fifty thousand ?
29 you do about a quarter .
30 You 've about an hour before the banks close . ’
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