Example sentences of "[prep] just under two " in BNC.

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1 One parent families tend to be slightly smaller than two parent families with an average of just under two children , compared to just over two children per family .
2 In Buckinghamshire , twenty four and a half thousand people are now without jobs , a fall of just under two hundred .
3 With just under two minutes left , Leicester led 88-83 .
4 These show an accelerating rate of growth , not only in the rate of increase in VAT registered businesses , to a net average of 1,200 a week in the past year — 50 per cent up on the previous year — but also in the self-employed , who rose from just under two million to more than three million .
5 Already one running champion had been crowned , the diminutive Portuguese Rosa Mota , winner of the women 's marathon in just under two and a half hours .
6 The second set followed a similar pattern to the first , with Cross making the most of the chances offered and edging past the Essex girl in just under two hours .
7 It is a brisk sale with some spirited bidding : 212 lots in just under two hours .
8 In just under two hours time Oxford Prison will close down , leaving the city without a gaol for the first time in a thousand years .
9 Cooper Oils are phasing the shutdown … the site will be emptied in just under two years .
10 Sussex picked up 16 win points at Hove when they overhauled a Warwickshire target of 250 in just under two sessions for their first Championship victory in five matches .
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