Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] give " in BNC.

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1 By law they have to ballot their members in the next couple of years on whether they can keep their political funds , through which they give money to the party .
2 We do appreciate all your prayers and have seen answers to them , for which we give God thanks ; please continue to pray for us .
3 er , it depends on one 's own tastes , I personally do n't like the open planned that I 've seen in very modern houses where , erm I , I do n't quite know how to express it but it does seem to me odd to be on one floor level and then two feet up you 're on another level and er , that 's one aspect of the open plan that does n't appeal to me and I do n't quite understand why it 's necessary to have everything that 's going on in one room with pieces of furniture designed to act as barriers between the different functions or purposes for which you give parts of the room .
4 ‘ It having been stated to Samuel Whitbread Esq. , and to me … that Mary Flint , now in the Bedford Infirmary , is in danger of death in consequence of the wounds and injuries which she received from you , we intend to take her examination at the said Infirmary on Tuesday 8th October inst. at 1 o'clock of the afternoon of which I give you this notice that you may if you think proper be present . ’
5 The approach which I take to the subject is one concerned almost exclusively with the Anglo-American tradition , though Hegel is allowed into the last chapter , at the end of which I give some references to sample writings in the continental tradition , especially critical theory .
6 I am anxious that you should start work on this project as soon as possible , so that there are no last-minute delays , I should therefore be grateful if you could start on the first batch of frames , of which I give details below :
7 If the mortgage is a mortgage of the equitable estate , the priority of successive mortgagees depends upon the order in which they give written notice to the trustees or other persons holding the legal estate .
8 Foxes will often enlarge rabbit burrows to make the ‘ earth ’ in which they give birth to their young .
9 However there are some conditions in which they give more useful correction and they may therefore be provided for visually handicapped children .
10 There are many circumstances with young children , such as mealtimes , bedtimes or shopping trips , which become fraught with tension and embarrassment , because of the confrontations to which they give rise .
11 Then divide the committee into groups of three to spend twenty minutes drawing out their significance and listing questions to which they give rise .
12 In the Earth 's atmosphere a far smaller fraction of the atmospheric energy of motion lies in eddies and in any motions to which they give rise than is the case in the Jovian atmosphere .
13 As we have seen , because of prevailing teacher and pupil attitudes deeply embedded in the cultural foundations of our educational system , and the social relations to which they give rise , this ‘ equal curricular opportunity ’ is not enough .
14 Needless to add , these processes ( and , more arguably , the forms of behaviour to which they give rise ) have a far longer history than any particular society or mode of production .
15 Whilst it may be the most objective away of practising social psychology , experiments and the scientific theories to which they give rise , may not be the most useful or appropriate means of understanding the individual in society .
16 Indian Civilisation 1 ( the development of Hindu culture from its origins in the Vedic age to the end of the eighteenth century ) may be followed by Indian Religion and Philosophy 2 ( the Vedas , the Upanisads and the philosophical systems to which they give rise , and related religious philosophies such as Buddhism ) , or by South Asian Studies 2 ( an ‘ area studies ’ course concerning modern developments in the subcontinent from several perspectives ) .
17 And as we saw when we discussed the book , Freud gives a number of examples of ambivalence , and the taboos to which they give rise .
18 For it often happens that the things we take for granted are the very things that need most explaining , but to which we give least attention because we are barely conscious of them ourselves .
19 We try to keep a part of our lives for something else — to which we give a name such as Recreation or Sport or Being a Mother to the Children or just Being about the House .
20 He considers that many occurrences of phenomena to which we give diverse names like UFOs , ghosts , will-o-the-wisps , and apparitions of various sorts , may all be manifestations of earth lights .
21 Actually it 's a bit disturbing to find the things to which I give ten , they just ignore !
22 We might find an account of what knowledge is which would suffice to undermine crucial sceptical moves , and hence confirm the possibility that some of our beliefs are justified ; the account to which I give tentative support in chapter 3 has pretensions in this direction .
23 I welcome the fact that the Secretary of State is getting in practice and asking the questions to which I give the answers at Question Time , as it is a situation to which he shall have to become accustomed .
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