Example sentences of "[prep] a single day " in BNC.

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1 More than 24,000 birds have been counted at Strathbeg during the course of a single day , and many more visit the reserve throughout the year .
2 It is impossible to judge on the basis of a single day , however , and you should be looking for a consistent improvement over a period of time .
3 In the confusion of battle an accident might decide the issue one way or another and the fortunes of a single day might undo the patient work of months or years .
4 But if it makes easy sense when we learn that after the ground clearing achieved in the early publications Joyce sets to work on an enormous new fictional venture , guesses about new preoccupations and the leaving behind of old collapse in face of the reality of Ulysses , for in it we read , among a thousand turnings and an wanderings , of a single day , the sixteenth of June nineteen hundred and four , in Dublin , and how two characters , separately and together , live out that day among the welter of their acquaintance , their needs and deeds and thoughts , their places of refuge and of risk , and if one of these two , Leopold Bloom , is new , the other is Stephen Daedalus , and Dublin is everywhere in the novel , almost to the point where everywhere is Dublin .
5 And with ‘ perfumed strips ’ now impregnated into the pages of so many magazines , it 's possible to try new scents for a single day without venturing further than your friendly newsagent .
6 as if one superlative were not enough for a single day , just across the way from Bill 's place I found a stall serving some unusual flavours of ice-cream .
7 Six supermodels feature in the new spring/summer Littlewoods home shopping catalogue , and though they all charge up to £10,000 for a single day 's work the clothes they model for Littlewoods are all within easy reach of every woman .
8 Some idea of its business , ranging from the apparently trivial to the significant , can be seen in the contents of its registers for a single day , 21 December 1595 .
9 Only in the case of engagements lasting for a single day or less , and involving people with whom the organisation does not expect to have further contact in the near future , might payment be made without any deductions .
10 We 've never , no , not for a single day ,
11 They may be attached to a particular school for a single day or even part of a day , or for a substantially longer period .
12 But er if they were just working for a single day , it was long day up till ten o'clock at night in a harvest you know .
13 Mayflies , for instance , spend most of their lives as underwater feeding larvae , then emerge into the air for a single day into which they cram the whole of their adult lives .
14 " The only safe and correct approach is not to allow an injunction to remain , even for a single day , if it was clearly wrong for it to have been granted . "
15 The extended histories of Victorian fiction are replaced in Ulysses ( 1922 ) and Mrs Dalloway ( 1925 ) by concentration within a single day of consciousness : random memories incorporate the past , rarely chronologically .
16 Catches of as many as 4000 dolphins in a single drive have been reported from the last century , and the record number of animals killed in a single day during the 1970s was 2838 .
17 The price of gold plunged 7% in a single day immediately after the Gulf war broke out — evidently on hopes that the war would be brief .
18 Not only that , but one imagines such huts to be found in the very heart of the wilderness , where one can not ascend a peak and walk out in a single day , and must take shelter for the night .
19 In a single day , without leaving the ridge , a fit walker can pick off seven Munros and stagger back home to an orgy of peak-ticking at the back of the Munro book .
20 The horseshoe ridge that Ben Lawers dominates can be knocked off in a single day if you have legs of iron , but for a more leisurely exploration of the hills , Glen Lyon is where to pick off Meall a' Choire Leith , Meall Garbh , and the more distant Meall Greigh that turns the horseshoe into an S-shape .
21 Stafford , who sometimes spent £16,000 in a single day on antiques at Christie 's sales in London , was never troubled by his conscience .
22 Recently , three ferox weighing over 20lb were taken in a single day .
23 A force of 4000 men , landing on either side of the Cowes river and marching on Newport should , he estimated , be sufficient to secure the Isle of Wight in a single day .
24 On 26 February six of the bombers were destroyed and seven badly damaged in a single day .
25 A fast stage-coach could now cover over a hundred miles in a single day , good roads and weather permitting , though comfort was not necessarily to be looked for and there was an outside chance of ending up with a foul-mouthed and drunken coachman for the length of the journey .
26 In a single day , 29 September , the recession claimed over 4,500 jobs .
27 These include tigers and other dangerous creatures that may or may not have material form at any given time , ghosts , as well as ‘ spirits ’ — the waterfall mara ’ that causes tuberculosis ; the tree mara ’ that kills a person 's ‘ soul ’ by breaking its neck , bringing sickness and death in a single day ; the hilltop mara ’ that twists and shrivels limbs , and so on .
28 In early sixteenth-century London it was customary for the most pious lay people to rush from church to church in order to be present at as many elevations of the host as possible in a single day .
29 Lured by stories of pickers making up to $1,000 in a single day , unemployed loggers , SouthEast Asian immigrants and garden-variety opportunists have all rushed in .
30 Investment firms solicit bids for a new issue at indicative prices and then , when their book is complete , price and sell the issue in a single day .
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