Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] war " in BNC.

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1 ( The British had cornered the khaki-drill market for the Boer war . )
2 The wretched condition of so many recruits for the Boer War had brought this matter very forcibly into public attention , leading to the extraordinary fact-finding mission of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration in 1904 .
3 The Territorial 6th Battalion of The Royal Surrey Regiment originally wore a blackened Maltese Cross with the inscription : SOUTH AFRICA on the top arm and 1900–02 on the lower arm in honour of The 3rd Volunteer Battalion that contributed volunteers for the Boer War .
4 A MAN posing as a worker for the charity War on Want has been taking money from unsuspecting people in the Balmoral area .
5 Hair follicles or pore ducts are the battleground for the Spot War .
6 Until the United States sanctions on Nicaragua and its backing for the Contra war come to an end , these limitations on living standards will continue to affect prisoners as much as they affect the rest of the population .
7 German planes used this war as ‘ bloody good practice ’ or exercises in training Nazi airmen for the World War being prepared by both dictators .
8 Provides a ‘ period ’ look at early fighting aircraft which will be useful for the World War One aircraft buff .
9 During the propaganda war that was waged between Sandys and the Services , the Air Staff were not to be outdone by the Admiralty .
10 ‘ It so happened that No 5 Air School was not far away from the mine where Churchill hid during the Boer War , ’ Clifford recalls .
11 During the Boer War he acted as chief of staff to French .
12 He was 60 years old at the time of Messines , with wide and varied military service behind him , including fighting in South Africa during the Boer War ( 1899–1902 ) , when he played a distinguished part in the relief of Mafeking .
13 These discussions took place in the context of widespread doubts about Britain 's ‘ national efficiency ’ ; doubts which had arisen largely from our military incompetence during the Boer War .
14 Reginald Bray , a friend of Masterman 's , would remark on the same development : As Bray organised the arguments of Iris powerful Christian treatise on The Town Child ( 1907 ) around deep shades of pastoral contrast between the serenity of natural phenomena and what he regarded as the unnatural and shallow inconsistency of the irreverent city , he thought that ‘ the most remarkable effect of an urban environment is to be sought in the disappearance of the habit of self-control ’ : The riotous jingo crowds which had accompanied the Ladysmith and Mafeking celebrations during the Boer War had indeed provided one of the most visible manifestations of these perceived alterations among the British people , and observing that ‘ to ‘ Maffick ’ ’ is not really congenial to the British character' The Times ( 30 October 1900 ) had mused upon whether ‘ our national character was changing for the worse ’ .
15 Reports that almost one-third of volunteers for the army during the Boer War had to he rejected due to physical inadequacy ( too short or too thin ) or ill-health ( in many case due to flat feet or bad teeth but frequently also due to heart and lung trouble or other serious ailments ) were often exaggerated , but they strengthened such fears .
16 She was converted to pacifism by the Quaker Hilda Clark , while at university during the Boer war .
17 During the Boer War he joined the Imperial Yeomanry as a trooper , but was soon commissioned and later promoted to captain .
18 A career soldier , he had died leading his men into battle at Spion Kop during the Boer War .
19 High-tech weaponry has certainly kept down casualties during the air war ( it will have less ability to do so on the ground ) .
20 Belcher was by reputation difficult to please , and , of the surveyors who piloted the fleet to Canton during the Opium war of 1840–1 , Richards alone received his praise .
21 During the post war period there have been a number of studies of the transition from school to work .
22 Ground launched missiles were used to great affect by the Allies during the gulf war .
23 During the World War
24 During the Contra war , Enriqueta ran literacy classes in some of the most conflict-torn areas of the country .
25 There was no doubt that these people could produce tyres , but when the TNCs withdrew from Nigeria during the Biafran war , production ceased in the factories because of the ways in which the TNCs had organized the division of labour on the shop floor .
26 Nutrasweet has already suffered an anti-dumping levy from the European Commission in Brussels as the sweetener war hots up .
27 While the others seemed still obsessed with the catastrophe of 1870 , Pétain was assiduously and pragmatically studying more recent campaigns such as the Boer War and the RussoJapanese War of 1905 , where the defence had given so good an account of itself .
28 Known as the Cabinet War Rooms , the complex has only been open to the public since 1983 .
29 It then falls away steeply across the limited war band to its low point between the guerrilla war and terrorism bands , where the frequency of such wars in the post-war period has demonstrated the greatest weakness in military deterrence — ‘ Davids ’ have found it all too easy to defy ‘ Goliaths ’ in these bands as the French and American defeats in Vietnam have shown so vividly .
30 This was the one international issue between the Boer War and 1914 which mobilized large public demonstrations .
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