Example sentences of "[prep] professor [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One illustration of this view is the famous Laffer curve , named after Professor Arthur Laffer , one of President Reagan 's most influential economic advisers .
2 There are instances , fortunately very rare , of mothers simulating illness in their children in order to get medical attention — this is known as ‘ Munchausen-by-proxy ’ or ‘ Meadow 's syndrome ’ after Professor Roy Meadows , who first described two cases in 1977 .
3 While at Cambridge Hughes attended the lectures of Professor Adam Sedgwick [ q.v. ] , and he continued his geological interests by fieldwork in Italy .
4 Exactly twenty years after their collaboration for that extraordinary presentation of Henry Moore in Florence , Caro 's exhibition reunites the powerful curatorial vision of Professor Giovanni Carandente with the British Council .
5 One of the most impressive of recent contributions is the meticulously detailed and subtly perceptive work of Professor Victor Turner amongst the Ndembu people , who also live in Central Africa and not very far from the Congo Lele .
6 In the case of Professor Fang Lizhi , the dissident leader who is still holed up in the US embassy in Beijing , Mr Bush has been unable to say when or whether the Chinese may allow him to leave for a third country , as reportedly urged by Mr Scowcroft .
7 As the important date of ‘ December Ninth ’ drew near , the atmosphere in Hefei was tense , a city already marked as a potential centre of trouble because of Professor Fang Lizhi .
8 The subject has fascinated me since I first had the privilege of being led into it as a postgraduate student of Professor J. C. Smith in the mid 1960s .
9 First , the period until 1830 was the time of the early travellers ; second , from 1830 until 1930 was the period of early botanists and naturalists ; third , 1930 until 1980 was the period of the first ecological studies and also of Professor J. W. Heslop Harrison and Miss M. S. Campbell ; and finally the 1980s , the period of the Integrated Development Programme ( 1982–1987 ) , which gave rise to more intensive research .
10 For television , what began with the appointment in March 1985 of Professor Alan Peacock to chair a committee looking at the financing of the BBC , has turned into a radical shake-up of commercial TV which , for the moment , leaves the BBC largely unscathed .
11 I should , however , say that many of the ideas here expressed are explicitly stated in the lectures of Professor Kirk Bryan whose emphasis on climatic morphology has led to the formulation here set forth .
12 Nothing in the Report of Professor L. C. B. Gower on Review of Investor Protection ( 1984 ) ( Cmnd. 9125 ) , the recommendations of which were carried into effect by the Act of 1986 , elucidates why the distinction was made .
13 In 1909 Desch married Elison Ann , the daughter of Professor Ivison Macadam , professor of chemistry at the College of Surgeons , Edinburgh .
14 He also left a tradition of mathematical biology that flowered in the game theory of John Maynard Smith and the kin-selection theory of Professor Bill Hamilton , now of Oxford University .
15 , James Latham Mcdiarmid , Lord Clyde ( 1898–1975 ) , lord justice-general of Scotland and lord president of the Court of Session , was born 30 October 1898 at 17 Heriot Row , Edinburgh , the elder son ( there were no daughters ) of James Avon Clyde [ q.v. ] , later lord justice-general of Scotland , and his wife Anna Margaret McDiarmid , daughter of Professor Peter Wallwork Latham of Cambridge [ q.v . ] .
16 The agreement with Carleton was developed as a result of Professor Peter Buckley 's contacts in the field of International Business .
17 The thumping Fife accent of Professor Bob Craig exploded .
18 Now they have developed , with the help of Professor Van Aken of Utrecht University , a simple method of Roentgen photography , whereby a low-powered X-ray ( 220 volts exactly , which are converted to 5000 volts ) passes through the paper and exposes the negative directly behind it to the exact amount of radiation needed to show up the detailed structure of the impression left by the mould and the watermark .
19 In 1852 the breach was healed by the election of Professor William Sewell as president RCVS .
20 A UK working party , which included many medically qualified people , was set up by the Department of Health and Social Security , under the chairmanship of Professor Patrick Lawther in 1978 .
21 Downstairs , under the aegis of Professor Garth Swanson , researcher Jim Luck is looking into the possibilities of designing and fabricating monolithic high-frequency filters , using gallium arsenide GaAs insulated gate field effect transistors ( igfets ) .
22 The first was of Professor F. A. Lindemann , Viscount Cherwell [ q.v . ] ,
23 The case was brought in the name of Professor Harry Keen , director of clincial services ( medicine ) at Guy 's hospital , London .
24 The review panel was set up a year ago under the chairmanship of Professor Ron Edwards of Cardiff University .
25 Dr Peter Wrigley at the London Clinic , a private clinic in central London , was continuing his therapy under the overall direction of Professor John Smythe of the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh .
26 To guide our response to the discussion papers and the new draft strategy promised in May , we have set up a Tourism Advisory Group under the chairmanship of Professor John Aitchison .
27 Blencowe 's wife Anne ( d. 1718 ) was the daughter of Professor John Wallis ( 1616–1703 ) of Oxford , a polymath with expertise in classical and modern languages , astronomy , mathematics , cryptology , philosophy , and theology .
28 The Newcastle trial centre involves collaboration between teams based at the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies of the University of Newcastle and the Geography Department of the University of Lancaster under the overall direction of Professor John Goddard .
29 In the opinion of Professor Martin Robertson , former Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art at Oxford University , the collection as a whole ‘ shows taste and appreciation .
30 Human Communication , an important area of psychology , in which the Department has in the past had only piecemeal interests had been very significantly strengthened by the appointment of Professor Vicki Bruce .
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