Example sentences of "[prep] finding [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 There was an abundance of help ( ‘ both seen and unseen ’ as one elder put it to me ) ; there was constant anxiety about the weather ; there was joy of meeting old friends and making new ones ; there was the amazing efficiency , imperturbability and the reticence of the treasury ; and the true pleasure of finding things for people .
2 There is no doubt that if such organisations achieve their objective of eliminating all laboratory animal use in medical research , the chances of finding treatments for diseases like multiple sclerosis , muscular dystrophy , cystic fibrosis , cancer , Aids etc. would be significantly reduced .
3 We will turn later to the question of finding work for the unemployed able-bodied .
4 A third means of finding data for certain areas of research , particularly but not exclusively in the social sciences , is to look at information previously collected by someone else for their own purposes .
5 Senior mandarins had gone to the trouble of finding accommodation for Labour 's promised Ministry for Women .
6 One way of finding material for your essay is to look up your keyword in sources concerned with the social history of language and ideas , such as the OED or Raymond Williams 's Keywords .
7 So , two years ago , she left her hometown of Thunderbay on the shores of Lake Superior and came to Britain where the prospect of finding outlets for her pictures are slightly brighter .
8 So , two years ago , she left her hometown of Thunderbay on the shores of Lake Superior and came to Britain where the prospect of finding outlets for her pictures are slightly brighter .
9 Please could I ask you to find a few minutes to write to the Secretary of State for Wales , Welsh Office , Cathays Park , Cardiff CF1 3NQ , urging him to persuade his cabinet colleagues of the importance of finding time for an Environment Bill which includes these measures .
10 The difficulty of finding room for his guests in so small a house was farthest from Coleridge 's mind .
11 He simply observed , rather wearily , that if Gentle 's word was worth so little after all the effort he , Klein , had put into finding work for him , then it was perhaps best that they end their business relationship now .
12 Other costs including finding accommodation for families and repairs to damaged houses .
13 Among those he approached to help with finding accommodation for the orthodox children he was bringing from Germany and Austria was Mrs Annie Wolfson .
14 Yet the children show a great deal of ingenuity and imagination in finding objects for their play .
15 Throughout 1990 research institutes and drugs companies reported advances in finding treatments for AIDS , but all were still in the research and testing phase .
16 In effect , this meant a steady decline in public funding , problems in finding support for artistic experimentation , and financial crises for such famous museums as the Tate Gallery in London and the Ashmolean in Oxford .
17 They are split between either finding no relationship , or in finding support for the Samuelson hypothesis of a negative relationship between price volatility and maturity .
18 ANY difficulty in finding space for rubbish dumps is largely man-made .
19 But there are difficulties in finding money for research drilling .
20 ‘ This is another stage in finding players for the strongest squad possible for the World Sevens next April . ’
21 Put people first in finding time for your pursuit of profit .
22 The coffee stall proved to be very successful and R. T. Smith , who had a heart of gold and a knack of handling welfare problems , gave up his job with Thornycroft 's , in order to found , in 1880 , the Chiswick Mission and he was successful in finding homes for children who had been left motherless , but were not eligible to be accepted into orphanages .
23 The White House scolds Congress for being dilatory in finding cash for Panama and Nicaragua .
24 The sort of help which siblings gave included loans and gifts of money ( these came especially from brothers and sisters who were unmarried ) , gifts of food and clothing for the children ( usually from married sisters ) and help in finding employment for the male breadwinner ( from brothers ) .
25 THE recent successful launch of an American company , Shaman Pharmaceutical , on the New York and London Stock Exchanges highlights the renewed interest in finding cures for modern diseases by using centuries-old remedies often based on the natural properties of rare plants .
26 I think where the dilemma emerges is in finding equity for an entity that may have had its balance sheet shot to hell in the recession but may now have a strong future to go forward on .
27 Innovations depend upon finding opportunities for staff to work on developing new policies .
28 The success of this approach will depend on finding sequences for oligonucleotides that bind sufficiently well to viral genetic material to cripple the virus , and yet do not bind to normal cellular DNA or RNA .
29 Many of the policy issues are mistakenly addressed in that there is too much emphasis on finding uses for what technology can provide rather than driving technology by the needs of people .
30 Joyce met his German contact in the Ministry of Propaganda , Christian Bauer , who was optimistic over finding employment for him so long as there was no war .
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