Example sentences of "[prep] standing on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some children grasp the idea of standing on a box or steps to become higher than a tower or other object that is taller than themselves , so that , intuitively at least , they have some idea of the distinction between taller than and higher than .
2 This might seem artificial to those who have not had the joy of standing on the fells and watching this happen .
3 Instead of standing on the treads , they ran down .
4 The fear of standing on the edge of a great abyss overtook me .
5 The journey with him had been tense , the atmosphere between them like standing on the edge of a volcano , waiting to be flung into the fire when it exploded .
6 She says it 's like standing on the edge of a crevasse .
7 The visitor to ‘ Home of the Brave ’ is treated to a series of ‘ complete installations ’ in the words of Glasgow 's Keeper of Exhibitions Deborah Haase , involving a journey through ‘ dramatic theatrical settings ’ including standing on a jetty with simulated water swirling underneath ( actually blue light ) .
8 Having discussed planning , state of service and efficiency of the service , the team were then challenged with standing on the highest ‘ High Street ’ in the UK .
9 Apparently , the flat had been previously inhabited by giants : I am tall for a woman , but all the shelves were too high for me to reach without standing on a stool .
10 As an experienced mountaineer Steve was not happy about standing on the lip of the 60ft drop holding the rope taut for people to descend .
11 But you used to get in trouble for standing on the seats ?
12 For standing on the , on the seats you see , which I mean my father was right he 'd got the experience to know that several men had been drowned like that .
13 Lee must have got in by standing on a stone vase thing on the path .
14 The toilet consisted of a wc and basin , and the room was too small to get a ladder in there , so I reached the ceiling by standing on a chair .
15 One artist concluded his deal by standing on a cardboard box full of notes while Berry taped it up .
16 His first steps are taken by standing on the hemiplegic leg and moving the normal leg sideways .
17 29 A monkey tries to reach a branch 5½m above the ground by standing on the shoulders of an elephant 4 ¼m high .
18 I moved backwards and by standing on the low wall that bordered the towering yew hedge , I gained a level view of the kitchen .
19 You can only get the famous view of the city by standing on the compost-heap against the fence at the bottom .
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