Example sentences of "[prep] providing some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is , surely , a way of giving legitimacy to what we say or do , of providing some kind of backing or security .
2 The peasant might be at the bottom of the pile , but he still had rights to own or work common land and thus the certainty of providing some food for the survival of himself and his family .
3 Last word from the local council was that they were in favour of providing some form of skateboard facility .
4 1.3.4 Other groups such as the Scottish Sports Council and the Scottish Health Education Group saw the opportunity for providing some form of national accreditation for health and fitness training , sports coaching and community sports leadership .
5 However , where the theoretician can help managers is in providing some framework into which they can put their observations about goals .
6 It could be argued that the myths of Ulster protestantism and the institution of the Orange order take the place of the more centralized clerical organization of Roman catholicism in providing some element of overall religious unity among protestant loyalists .
7 There is no way the non-established denominations can be expected to make a comparable contribution , and the Government must therefore take a larger role in providing some mechanism for preserving some of the notable places of worship which , as well as being delightful buildings , are an important testimony to our religious and social history .
8 Apart from providing some insight into Halliday 's view of the way in which theme is realized in discourse , the discussion of topic is also of particular interest here because it highlights an area of considerable potential confusion for translators interested in the thematic analysis of topic-prominent languages .
9 Those employers who were already geared to providing some form of re-entry course for returning nurses then had the benefit of these guidelines to work from , and began adapting their course objectives and outcomes to the recommended UKCC criteria .
10 In addition to providing some indication of the performance of the Trust ( largely a positive indication ) , the client survey shed some further light on the major problems facing start-ups and small firms in rural areas , together with the perceived shortcomings of the existing support structure .
11 Indeed , some verbs seem to have no lexical content beyond one which is aimed at providing some kind of reservation about applicability of the adjectival property , examples being become and turn which place a temporal restriction on the adjective 's applicability ; the subordinate property only holds after the time indicated by the tense of the verb .
12 What I want to , for you to do , is to pass this and for the C E C to look at providing some education specifically to the administration and the running of branches .
13 We thought it might be a good idea to spend an evening aimed at providing some entertainment and some food for thought , not to mention some sustenance of more tangible nature .
14 The curve illustrates costs per capita ; as more people live in the locality , there is a reduction in the share that each resident pays of the total cost incurred by providing some service level of the good in question .
15 By providing some continuity .
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