Example sentences of "[prep] put it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But they should know that anyway , or I made that point yesterday , so er th the point they quoted was that erm erm rang up the team and got told no you 've got ta put it on a fax , find it hard to believe that that was if that was the manager on the phone but it 's just important that the people on the team know who the senior managers are .
2 These words are I love them , I love them , redemption , and sanctification and so on , I love them , but er we 've got ta put it in a different way .
3 We 've got ta put it in a modern , secular way or more secular .
4 I 've been figuring out S , A and B , wha why you ha , you have to start , you know , then I realise it 's but you got ta put it in the way it 's ready to er record have n't
5 Got ta put it in there .
6 We got ta put it in whatever he puts in .
7 I wan na put it on myself
8 Well you do n't wan na put it on the ship do you ?
9 I was hoping they were n't gon na put it on a silly day
10 I know you 're gon na put it on my chair .
11 You wan na put it on the table where it 's actually .
12 If they 're gon na put it through as quick as they can for us , cos they want us
13 well if I 've left it there to call off I 'm not gon na put it in the case and shove it away
14 Why do I wan na put it in the big mug for ?
15 I was gon na put it in that there but it 's too bright so Do you get any potatoes ?
16 I think you 've probably had enough actually , you get he 's , just have one , one little bit , put your finger in , and then we 're gon na put it in the , er three fingers put it in the wash
17 after that you want to put all your , wan na put it in a box of , and see what you
18 He said well he used to go and he 'd sort of look up at it , and he 'd sort of think about how he was gon na put it in there he said then he 'd be going like this then he 'd sort of get hold of the other hand he said and he 'd put it in like that and these other old boys are going like this with full hands you know ?
19 er , you see , he never said owt he just says , I 'm gon na put it in an envelope and get it down to her but he never said how .
20 she said she was gon na put it in coal house .
21 I wan na put it in the butter
22 We were gon na put it in the oven and just leave it there but it would
23 so , so then Anita goes , no I go tell him to put it in a letter then , yeah , and he was gon na put it in a letter and then he changed his mind and he said he was gon na ask me after school , but then he did n't ask me after school and Kate gave him my phone number and then he phoned me
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