Example sentences of "[prep] 15 [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 Homicides reached 23,000 in 1990 , an increase of 15 per cent on the previous year .
2 The repudiation of the monetarist doctrines which were the heart of Thatcherite economics is the cause of 15 per cent base rates , and Labour 's surge in the polls .
3 If they made a profit margin of 15 per cent to 20 per cent then the the value of the deal , which includes the rights to Merck 's Elavil anti-depressant , is equivalent to 18 times pre-tax profits .
4 A base rate of 15 per cent is perilously close to monetary overkill , let alone the still higher rates which might be needed to appease the rapacious gods of the foreign exchange markets .
5 Over the third quarter of this year , he told parliament , output by Soviet industry had risen at a rate of one per cent while wages were soaring at an annual pace of 15 per cent .
6 In the first criticism of Nigel Lawson from the floor , Rupert Blum , an energy economist from Leominster , argued that a base rate of 15 per cent , plus the lenders ' mark up , meant energy conservation schemes simply did not pay .
7 Yet with annual income from advertising topping £1.3bn and a growth rate of 15 per cent , why should ITV need to bother with what at best will remain a marginal financial contribution ?
8 Lawson 's chosen weapon was the most politically damaging that he could have selected — successive increases in interest rates , to reach a minimum lending rate of 15 per cent by October 1989 , on the eve of the Tory party conference .
9 Most booking agents charge a commission of 15 per cent which is payable on the gross fees for any live work .
10 At Cheltenham yesterday , however , Dunwoody did something to put the record straight with a 26 ½-1 treble on Remittance Man , Wont Be Gone Long and Royal Cedar to take his score to 34 , but only marginally improve a strike rate of 15 per cent .
11 After no less than four mortgage rate rises in the past 18 months — which have brought the average home loan rate close to an all-time high of 15 per cent — home buyers have seen their monthly payments go up by more than 50 per cent .
12 With liquid assets of £1.3 million , a profit margin of 18 per cent and a return of 15 per cent on capital the county must be the envy of many businesses totally unconnected with cricket .
13 Together with the interim dividends already paid this makes a total dividend for the year of 9.75p , an increase of 15 per cent over the previous year .
14 Would any politician in the 1950s have admitted that double digit inflation , three million unemployed and interest rates of 15 per cent were a political possibility for the UK ?
15 At Lloyds Bank married staff receive a taxable disturbance allowance of 15 per cent of salary ( subject to a minimum payment of £1125 and a maximum of £1980 ) .
16 This study , conducted between 1982 and 1984 , found a recidivism rate of 15 per cent among participants .
17 Furthermore , the prominent courtier Sir John Hussey 's sycophantic resolution , moved in the midst of haggling over the subsidy bill , burdened landed estates of £50 with an additional shilling in the pound , making a total of 15 per cent compared with the general 10 .
18 Those worth £5 — £19 were roped in for the second loan , in 1523 , so paying a total of 15 per cent , not so very much less than what was expected of the £20 men , and of course a proportionately heavier burden .
19 The balance of this reduced population has changed dramatically : the proportion of under-fives has dropped by a quarter , and the numbers of those at school leaving age by just under a quarter , giving an overall decline of 15 per cent in the population aged under fifteen .
20 The Shipping Controller purporting to act under Defence of the Realm Regulations had imposed as a condition of licensing the sale of a ship to a foreign purchaser the payment to him by the seller of 15 per cent .
21 As a result , according to the 1985-based projections ( OPCS , 1988 ) , while population increase of 15 per cent or more are expected by the year 2001 in some counties ( e.g. Buckinghamshire , Wiltshire , Cornwall , Shropshire ) , Merseyside stands to lose over 9 per cent and Cleveland and Tyne and Wear both over 5 per cent of their 1985 numbers .
22 As a rough and ready indication of the possible errors here , we allow for an error of 15 per cent in either direction , which may be conservative .
23 First , the so-called ‘ sun-belt ’ from Norfolk through Oxford to Bournemouth , with many districts showing a growth of 15 per cent and over , second , a broad band of growth between 5 and 15 per cent across all of lowland England and the Welsh Marches , and third , a significant area of growth with rates of 30 to 60 per cent ( Carruthers et al . ,
24 real increases in beer prices of 15 per cent in the six years ending December 1986 ;
25 Average household size fell from 2.91 in 1971 to 2.70 in 1981 and was down to 2.48 by 1988 , a fall of 15 per cent from 1971 .
26 The figures for the first quarter of 1990 showed an increase of 15 per cent on the corresponding period of 1989 , the largest rise in crime since records began in 1857 .
27 In that year the proportion of convicted adult males given a custodial sentence had reached a low of 15 per cent .
28 Today has slumped heavily , down to 459,621 from 1990 's six-month average of 539,690 , a drop of 15 per cent .
29 These were calculated with both companies facing 75 per cent experience curves and discount rates of 15 per cent .
30 Consequently , the local authorities would make a 5 per cent contribution rising in yearly increments to an absolute maximum of 15 per cent , the residual cost of 85 per cent being reclaimed from the pool .
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