Example sentences of "[prep] recently it was " in BNC.

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1 Until recently it was reckoned that men and women on average had sex with 6 different people in their lifetime .
2 Until recently it was only known from an early black and white photograph .
3 For instance , people have long known that squeezing lemon juice on sliced fruits prevents them from turning brown , but until recently it was not known why lemon juice has this effect .
4 Until recently it was not uncommon for a librarian in a public or academic library to carry out an annual check of the entire stock in this way .
5 Until recently it was one of the greatest of all killer diseases .
6 Until recently it was run jointly by Peter Davenport and his elder brother Quentin , an accountant by training who supervised the company as a whole while Peter ran the Royal Oak .
7 Until recently it was assumed to be a flattened axisymmetric spheroid ( that is , one which is round in the plane of the Galaxy ) .
8 In reality , another story is just beginning for the victims of survivors , and until recently it was often a lonely or difficult one .
9 Until recently it was Chinese Americans who were the most feared of poker immigrants — above all Johnny Chan , back-to-back world champ in 1988-'89 , known as the ‘ Oriental Express ’ because he rakes in so many pots so fast .
10 Until recently it was assumed that this was the final signal concerning the Cossacks before the repatriations actually began , giving Eighth Army 's authorization for those Cossacks who were Soviet citizens to be handed over , even though it did not explicitly set aside AFHQ 's previous ruling that " force has not , repeat not , to be used " .
11 Until recently it was difficult to buy authentic Farmhouse Lancashire anywhere but in the local area .
12 Until recently it was both convenient and accurate to use the term ‘ Western ’ to describe this asymmetry , and the idea of ‘ Western imperialism ’ was widely acknowledged as a way of analyzing the global system .
13 Until recently it was assumed that they all persisted as adults , but is has now been shown that the chilling of infective larvae before administration to calves will produce arrested L5 ; hypobiosis at this stage has also been observed in naturally infected calves in Switzerland , Austria and Canada , although the extent to which this occurs naturally after ingestion of larvae in late autumn and its significance in the transmission of the infection has not yet been fully established .
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