Example sentences of "[prep] twenty [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was the first secondary modern school in the area to introduce O-level courses and the young Roddick was one of twenty girls specially selected to participate in the experiment .
2 Erm the some people can actually have a reduction made of twenty percent instead .
3 The bruiser would n't have been promised a reward of twenty quid otherwise .
4 Mr. Tony Favell , supported by Mr. David Harris , presented a Bill to remove from registers of common land and registers of town or village greens dwellinghouses registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965 which had been used as dwellinghouses for a minimum of twenty years immediately prior to the commencement of that Act ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time on Friday 24 February and to be printed .
5 The most striking aspect of the history of delinquency is the consistency with which each generation characterises the youth of the day and the way of life of twenty years previously .
6 A forty-year-old today looks a lot better than a forty-year-old of twenty years ago . ’ .
7 Since that time Art has developed and flourished remarkably in the West Riding , and instead of the lurid paintings of twenty years ago we now have sensitive work stimulated by experience of the environment .
8 Always the perfect aide , Serrigny tried to distract him with Rabelaisian reminiscences from army life of twenty years ago .
9 It could be , and indeed it is my belief , that the chemical industry of twenty years hence will be more of a service industry and less of a manufacturing industry .
10 It is a far cry from the Regency Gothic of twenty years earlier , when parsonages sported wrought-iron verandahs looking on to wide lawns and cedar trees .
11 Cripes , I thought , and although as certain as I could be that the lad was not mine , who can be totally positive about any putative event of twenty years earlier ?
12 A lamentable remark , if you took it seriously , and fit for the Thorfinn of twenty years earlier .
13 These figures relate to 1778 when the knitters were seeking a parliamentary regulation of their wages to levels about a third higher , restoring earnings to the level of twenty years earlier before a long decline had set in .
14 In the phrase of twenty years before , Anna said , ‘ I married the man , not the job .
15 Out of twenty tapes surely they 'll be one that
16 Using a technique perfected by medical artists , they hope to be able to build up a picture of what the princess would have looked like twenty centuries ago .
17 It is not only the very large hotels which enter into this market : smaller hotels with twenty bedrooms upwards , a quiet fair-sized conference room , good bedrooms and adequate facilities can compete for the smaller trade exhibitions , training courses , seminars and conferences .
18 Rosie had been the result of one reckless moment of love between Moira and Mary 's husband , Patrick O'Dell ; an occasion never repeated and best forgotten — until twenty years later , when the shocking news exploded like a time-bomb .
19 Bush was in fact foreseeing hypertext , a term not actually coined until twenty years later .
20 She heard the motorsickle coming from twenty miles away , and had time to prepare herself .
21 But these guys , doing a song from twenty years earlier
22 Tests on earlier buildings so treated revealed that up to one in twenty houses soon showed signs of damp penetration .
23 In twenty seconds more they were gone , to the sound of spinning wheels on the ice and grinding gears .
24 And that certain lack at the heart of both desire and identification : what Carson actually finds in twenty years abroad is some oppressive sexual mores epitomized in the loveless fuck over the bonnet of a Chevy Impala .
25 It was ten to twenty times more powerful than a candle , and thus encouraged the furniture into the room away from the fire , which had often served as supplementary lighting .
26 Meditation should ideally be practised for fifteen to twenty minutes daily , preferably first thing in the morning .
27 From daytime feeding grounds up to twenty miles away , they converge on Abbey Park to roost for the night .
28 Travellers ' tales of uninhabited wastes are often based on the sight of dried-out wheat stubble in areas where agricultural towns and villages ( pueblos ) are spaced ten to twenty miles apart .
29 It is difficult to believe that fifteen to twenty years ago the majority of people in this country did not have a bank Current Account .
30 Most of these , it is true , are poorly preserved and common late Ae3s — but the total represents a phenomenal amount compared to twenty years ago .
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