Example sentences of "[prep] areas [subord] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 We pray first for our own country , and ask your blessing on those who lead us ; we pray for Elizabeth our queen , that You will bless and guide her in all her responsibilities in this land and in the Commonwealth ; we pray for the Prime Minister and all his cabinet , that they may have your wisdom in the government of the country ; we pray for the leaders of the nations , and especially for areas where there is strife .
2 Mike Blackburn , chief executive , commented : ‘ We will be able to reduce operating costs , increase branch profitability and take advantage of areas where there is more potential . ’
3 Nor does the RUC consider these aspects of community policing to be scarce resources , thus there is no restriction on their deployment to those limited number of areas where there are particular problems , as often happens in Great Britain ( Brown and Iles 1985 : 10 ) .
4 However , you have heard already of some examples of areas where there is conflict between these two objectives .
5 And this also involves , crucially , the identification of areas where there are disagreements between agencies over objectives or methods .
6 ‘ I have started a review of our performance in all kinds of areas when there can be an impact on the environment to build up an objective picture of where we stand at the present and where improvement can be made .
7 A central computer will be programmed to contact the transponders at regular intervals and raise the alarm if the rhinos wander into areas where there is a high risk of poaching .
8 This point will be particularly important in areas which have net inflow of elderly patients , and in areas where there is extensive new building of residential or nursing homes .
9 In areas where there are a number of pumice deposits present , all of them looking much the same , it 's clearly a difficult job to tell them apart and , more important , to recognize the same individual deposits in separate localities which may be many kilometres apart .
10 Criticisms of this approach have been documented by , for example , Lea and Young ( 1982 ) ; most of the rioters were not black ; some riots occurred in areas where there were very few black people ; most black people are British ; a ‘ British ’ culture seems elusively difficult to define ; and so on .
11 Thus high rates of job loss might be expected in areas where there is a high rate of technological innovation , but this may also be associated with an equally high rate of job creation .
12 Cattle killing became the most common form of the crime in areas where there were no organized networks for stealing .
13 The coffee crash was felt strongest in areas where there was less cattle stealing , and where most of the stealing was casual .
14 The task-centred approach is not seen as being particularly useful in areas where there is a mental health problem , or severe mental impairment , where long-term dependency is envisaged , or where the client is unable to accept that there is a problem to be dealt with and worked on .
15 Even volcanoes in areas where there are no established tectonic frontiers are guiltless in this respect : Vesuvius , despite the fact that it buried Pompeii and Herculaneum , Stromboli , Mt Etna and the twin volcanoes of the island of Hawaii have not produced , and do not produce , earthquakes .
16 ‘ Even in areas where there are bail support programmes , youth courts are choosing not to use them , ’ says youth justice manager Anne Oliver .
17 The attainment of his majority would naturally have heralded a larger and more independent following , but Gloucester 's early influence was in areas where there was an established network of royal servants and this shaped his developing retinue .
18 To survive , remain active and breed in areas where there is little or no rain and no open water at all , a creature must have both a watertight skin and a watertight egg .
19 But even in areas where there was no hubris in the initial claims , the results delivered have often been disappointing .
20 In areas where there are vast scatters of finds lying on the surface , it is not practical to collect the finds , but instead the position of the finds are accurately plotted .
21 In addition , peasant unrest in areas where there was significant private landholding had reached serious proportions by May .
22 The clusters form in areas where there are lots of inputs .
23 The study also confirms that referral rates are lower in areas where there is no local renal unit nearby .
24 Called Double Drain , the board is designed primarily for use on vertical walls and structures in areas where there is a high water content in the ground .
25 Only 30% of secondary schools in areas where there was no regional policy had developed their own policy .
26 Little was known , however , of whether ESRC support was more important in some areas than others or whether , in areas where there is significant support from other sources , ESRC 's support for basic or strategic research ( as applied to applied ) might nevertheless be critical .
27 Frequent episcopal visitation was ordered in areas where there were suspected heretics , and secular rulers were called upon to assist in this process .
28 The attainment of his majority would naturally have heralded a larger and more independent following , but Gloucester 's early influence was in areas where there was an established network of royal servants and this shaped his developing retinue .
29 From this community they have spread out and have now become a part of LE for adolescents and children of all races , though perhaps ( no research has been done to my knowledge ) only in areas where there is significant contact between the black and white communities .
30 They say in areas where there is only one mail delivery a day , letters could be delayed by 24 hours .
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