Example sentences of "[prep] whose [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 It is up to the reader to keep track of whose turn it is to speak , and to retain the distinctiveness of the characters and their roles .
2 A case of gamekeeper turned poacher , given that she had been a fast-stream entrant to the Treasury , much of whose function it is to resist that sort of demand . ’
3 The left 's failure to woo with social legislation a class many of whose members it also alienated by its anticlericalism handed them on a plate to its right-wing opponents .
4 Like the Gendarmerie , the Sûreté was a pan-Indochina service , owing loyalty to the state interests of France , not of the native sovereigns , of whose territories it had nevertheless a free run …
5 Since the war the CIA has been very alarmed at some of the left-wing British governments , many of whose politicians it regards as friends of Moscow .
6 A different reader will spot them quickly , and newspapers and publishers employ people one of whose jobs it is to pick out the " literals " ( slips ) made by writers , typists and typesetters : readers do not necessarily assume that the editor or journalist ca n't spell if they find a printing error .
7 A defiance of its orders is a defiance of the state , in whose name the government alone may speak and for whose actions it must assume ultimate responsibility …
8 Even if a will does not give property to trustees , the property , whether real or personal , does not go directly to those for whose benefit it is given , nor does property passing on intestacy go directly to those entitled under the rules above stated .
9 Without the prior written consent of KPMG Peat Marwick , which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed if such announcement or disclosure is required by law or by any supervisory or regulatory body with whose rules it is necessary for you to comply , you will not , and will direct your Representatives not to , make any announcements or disclose to any person either the fact that discussions or negotiations are taking place concerning a possible transaction in respect of the Company , or any of the terms , conditions or other facts with respect of the Company , or any of the terms , conditions or other facts with respect to any such possible transaction , including the status thereof .
10 The readership to be considered was the actual or at least predictable reading public rather than the precocious fourteen-year-old schoolgirl into whose hands it might perchance fall — unless it were in fact aimed at or distributed to fourteen-year-old schoolgirls , by whose vulnerability to corruption it should then be judged .
11 We can treat the brain as a black box into whose contents it is not efficient to enquire .
12 ( also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre after the Flavian Emperors Vespasian , Titus and Domitian under whose auspices it was built ) .
13 Even in Europe , Saturn is not the only planet under whose influence it is possible to be born .
14 Thus , by the very beginning of 1947 , and well before ‘ containment ’ , the Marshall plan and the Zhdanov doctrine drew the battle lines between Russia and the US in Europe and in general it may be seen that a framework of impressions , intentions , hopes and misunderstandings was being thrown up which would support US policy towards Vietnam for the next 20 years and under whose weight it would ultimately collapse .
15 They help solidify state , church , and common people of varying classes into two opposing blocs from whose grasp it is difficult to escape .
16 Its tree-like structures provide shelters for the polyps , the anemone-like organisms from whose secretions it is built .
17 Originally , the cross celebrated the vernal equinox and the rites of spring associated with the goddess Eostre , from whose name it is said the Venerable Bede derived the name for Easter .
18 It is not the Jacobean Marney Abbey but the actual abbey from whose stones it was built which should become the model for the great houses of Victorian England , because the original abbey — in Disraeli 's view — held its property for the common good .
19 Indeed if the aim is to provide those who control corporate assets with an incentive for putting those assets to their best use it should be the managers who receive the profits of the company and in whose interests it should be run , a conclusion which no one has as yet advocated seriously .
20 The user of the vehicle is the owner of the vehicle or the person in whose possession it is under some hiring or leasing agreement ; this is often not the driver himself but the driver 's employer or principal .
21 A marvellous stylistic contrast to the intricacy and sophistication of these magnificent Court carpets can be seen in the delightful Marby rug — named after the Swedish village in whose church it was found — which is one of the few remaining examples of the first Anatolian or Caucasian rugs to be brought into the West .
22 He nodded absently , his mind obviously elsewhere — nor was it difficult to guess in whose direction it had turned .
23 If the clause contains language which expressly exempts the person in whose favour it is made ( " the proferens " ) from the consequences of the negligence of his own servants , effect must be given to that provision .
24 A Private Bill proposal almost invariably emanates from the person or organisation in whose interest it is that it should be promoted .
25 The draftsman should bear in mind that any restriction will be construed against the firm in whose interest it purports to be imposed .
26 Further , LCH has in recent years agreed with most , if not all , of the London markets that it will only accept contracts for registration from clearing members who are members of the relevant market.3 A financial futures contract will be registered only if the clearing members in whose names it is submitted are members of the financial futures market .
27 Anything which is n't identified beyond doubt , will go back to the man in whose house it was found .
28 But here , walking away down Park Avenue , was a man in whose power it lay to make whole all broken things ; even Pie 's wounded spirit .
29 His occupancy lasted until 1 761 , when he sold it to another local clothier , John Cox , in whose family it remained until 1818 when Elizabeth and William leased it for seven years to the partnership of John Cox and Weston Hicks .
30 Clutterbuck Deane died in 1701 and within a year Mary had sold the mill to Thomas Shurmur , in whose family it was to remain for a century .
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