Example sentences of "[prep] terms [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Father D'Arcy said that he did not think Distributism was the happiest of terms for a politico-economic movement ; but he vouched for Chesterton 's total sincerity in propounding it , and he hinted that the review was a regular drain on his pocket .
2 The Treaty of Utrecht was not the triumphant dictation of terms to a prostrate enemy that some Whigs would have liked , but it provided something for almost all overseas commercial interests in Britain and in her possessions overseas .
3 In the case of terms in a written contract signed by both parties , there will be no doubt that the terms have been properly incorporated .
4 Section 2(2) provides in like terms for a share in the gross returns from a business or property .
5 The most basic facility is display of relationships between terms during a search session .
6 It is this : saying that the character of ‘ mental representations ’ ( beliefs and imaginings , for example ) can be understood only in terms of a history of activity , or that it is the subject 's conception of himself as active in relation to the world which gives these ‘ representations ’ their ‘ content ’ or ‘ semantics ’ ( I hope to have shown something like this ) is simply irrelevant to the mind-body problem .
7 First , we should be able to explain a relatively large set of observations in terms of a much smaller set of more general theoretical principles .
8 The repeated confirmation of the correlation between the physical characteristics of the stimulus and the characteristics of the neural activity it triggers , and between the characteristics of the stimulus and that of the subjective sensation , has encouraged the belief that our sensations are in some sense to be understood in terms of a set of stimulation levels ( spiking frequencies ) in the appropriate sensory pathways .
9 The CTP , or something like it , is thus crucial to the over-riding scientific project of describing the whole of reality in terms of a single set of ( physical ) mechanisms .
10 He articulates the Dostoevsky split ( raskol ) in terms of a generation-gap story .
11 It is convenient to relate the three meetings in terms of a diagram similar to that used by Eliot in his paper .
12 As in After Strange Gods , he is concerned in his conclusion with a return to sources , that is with going back to the savage and working forwards towards his solution to the problem– of modern industrial life ; again such a movement is presented in terms of a familiar encounter .
13 So accustomed to using Conrad 's eyes , Eliot is able to see through Twain 's the native emotion of his own nativity and childhood in the nursery bedroom , seeing that childhood in terms of a fundamental primitivism from which his religious consciousness has grown .
14 It does not simply make the claim that one difference is more important than all the others but articulates all further identifications in terms of a primary sexual identification .
15 To repeat , the association between homosexuality and the sexual lite of a woman is not necessarily insulting to either ; it is only that Mailer 's denigrating version of it forewarns of the crassness of the version of sexual difference which constitutes both the origin and horizon of his vision , and once again indicates an intense apprehensiveness in the face of imagined male passivity , and the way it is oft en conceived in terms of a denigrated and denigrating femininity at once utterly alien to yet strangely inherent within the male .
16 Steiner 's ludicrous generalizations stem in part from the very notion of defining cultures and history in terms of a sensibility .
17 But crucial differences remain , and it was because the early modern transvestite was not conceptualized in terms of a pathological sexual subjectivity — the modern ‘ homosexual ’ — that her transgression was regarded , albeit with paranoia , as more social than sexual .
18 If J. A. Hobson was justified in speaking of a ‘ crisis of Liberalism ’ in 1909 , it is equally if not more justified to think of the Edwardian period in terms of a ‘ crisis of Conservatism ’ .
19 Conservatism , like any other ideology , has to justify its conception of authority and social discipline in terms of a claim to possess superior political wisdom , and it is the manner and nature of this claim that defines the essence of Conservatism .
20 What began as a compelling rejection of a straitjacketing orthodoxy made its criticism in terms of a materialist demand that the socio-political locale of culture be addressed , in the face of an institutionalised aversion to any such examination conducted under a self-serving misrepresentation of the autonomy of art .
21 From his point of view , Modernism as a sub-species of romantic anti-capitalism is one partial moment in the rejection of the consequences of Enlightenment properly understood : understood , that is , in terms of a Marxism which is itself held out as the genuine heir to the Enlightenment narrative of emancipation and its romantic critique .
22 He has been given time to develop and in a recent interview on TV the trainer was even talking in terms of a possible Grand National victory .
23 Without being too sophisticated about its finer points , sustainable development has an obvious , sensible meaning when expressed in terms of a traditional farmer recycling dung and compost to maintain the fertility of his land .
24 Unless we explain in terms of a framework based on the idea of the motions of material body , we are left with ‘ uncertain conjecture ’ .
25 The phenomena it studies , such as pity and benevolence , are explained in terms of a basic desire for pleasure , and aversion to pain , and in their turn these are explained in terms of the ‘ vital motion ’ of the blood .
26 Something more of the requisite independence could be achieved by Berkeley 's doctrine that ideas which are not subject to our own will are produced in us by God : the independence of a real thing , its having some continuity despite interrupted perception of it , could be explained in terms of a continued readiness on God 's part to excite the requisite ideas in us at suitable moments .
27 How , for example , should one handle the dressed fleas and their garments in terms of a computer record ?
28 Before turning to the specifics of our analysis of the blood taboo in terms of a nature-culture opposition , however , it will be necessary first to sketch in a general historical picture of the changes which occurred in the religious and social ordering of the Jewish community in the centuries surrounding the exile , the time when these rituals , at least in their final form ( see below ) , first emerged .
29 And the replacement of anti-Semitism by anti-Marxism as early as 1922–23 as the main ‘ hate-theme ’ of his public addresses , and the relatively low profile of anti-Semitism in his speeches during the 1930s , can again only be explained in terms of a conscious decision to limit the public expression of his own phobias and paranoia for political and diplomatic purposes , to provide a wider appeal and to avoid gratuitous alienation at home and abroad .
30 We have symmetry of loading , in terms of a force attributed to gravity .
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