Example sentences of "[prep] general [conj] of " in BNC.

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1 Whereupon it was resolved : ‘ That the Society will consult the good of the Community in general and of the limits of the Society in particular , by encouraging such means as are likely to promote the study of farriery on rational scientific principles .
2 These duties — often referred to as the ‘ taxes on knowledge ’ — were designed to limit the growth , circulation and distribution of the press in general and of the radical press in particular .
3 ‘ Are you that bloody idiot who does golf for the News ? ’ was his opening salvo ; and things got worse when Toby , never able to turn the verbal cheek , even to a large and extremely aggressive drunk , proceeded to tell him his opinion of Scottish golfers in general and of unwelcome Scottish drunks in particular .
4 However , in sexual and quasi-sexual problems — whether physical or emotional — some understanding of sexual development in general and of its part in shaping personality is often highly desirable .
5 These were to do with housing land , with the availability of adequate industrial land in general and of strategic industrial sites in particular , and with the pattern of shopping provision within the county .
6 The second category of revisionists , neo-populist historians concerned with peasant society , have likewise emphasized the limited impact of government policy after 1905 in general and of the Stolypin land reform in particular .
7 Such developments gradually overcame the popular fear of water in general and of the ocean and drowning in particular which had been inherited from the Middle Ages .
8 Like Brown , he struck a populist tone by attacking the " status-quo paralysis " in Washington , but combined this with a partisan attack on the Bush administration for its neglect of home affairs in general and of the interests of America 's middle class in particular .
9 It may be that , for them , the attraction of SSE in general and of this scheme in particular lies in the opportunity it appears to offer for them to take part in decisions about school policy .
10 This relationship between ease-of-use and power is crucial to the global development of computer applications in general and of multimedia in particular .
11 One relevant factor in this situation is the role of psychotherapy in general and of psychoanalysis in particular .
12 Nils Enkvist opens the collection with " On the Interpretability of Texts in General and of Literary Texts in Particular " .
13 Many commentators have urged governments to ‘ define priorities among the ultimate objectives , frequently incompatible among themselves , that must govern the activity of public enterprises in general and of railway enterprises in particular ’ ( CEFE 1984 : 37 ) .
14 It might seem that it would , because it might seem very natural to think that one red thing or image might be taken as standing for red things in general because of its natural resemblance to the other members of the class , this constituting the most fundamental sort of association .
15 It once being realized that one can desire things other than pleasure , there is no reason to fudge the fact that people evidently have , to some extent , a desire for the happiness of others , whether of people in general or of particular people .
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