Example sentences of "[prep] home look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then , or at home looking at a map of Britain , the West calls , out of Wiltshire and out of Cornwall and Devon beyond , out of Monmouth and Glamorgan and Gower and Caermarthen , with a voice of dead Townsends , Eastaways , Thomases , Phillipses , Treharnes , Marendaz , sea men and mountain men .
2 If you spend your time at home looking after small children , you can have the pleasure , within reason , of arranging your daily timetable to suit yourself .
3 ‘ Well , she said a lot of good things about how housework and things were essential social work — you know , saying it was work , hard work , servicing other people , not that airy fairy labour of love stuff , and how it ought to be recognised , and how it was because women were seen as wives and mothers that they got low wages , no money when they were at home looking after small kids .
4 It was always intended that single men would have their pension rights protected while at home looking after children or dependent relatives , but it was not until the regulations were published in January 1978 that it was clear that married men would be included .
5 In the course of a debate on a Bill to remove the marriage bar , introduced in 1927 , MPs expressed feelings of revulsion at the ‘ travesty of nature ’ presented by the image of a working mother and in the last instance a father at home looking after the baby , but the same degree of indignation was never aroused by the work of married women of a lower social class .
6 The classic working-class ‘ mum ’ , living at home to look after her numerous children with the man as the bread-winner , while a folk myth sustained by the Inland Revenue and the population census amongst others in the 1970s , conformed less and less to the reality .
7 Professional families , where the mother stays at home to look after the children , would be severely hit .
8 The old man generally comes to dinner two or three times a week , as he has no one at home to look after him , and on these occasions he generally brings a ‘ bit of bacon ’ with him to replenish the Allen larder .
9 During this time , Liz had taken much of the responsibility for the day-to-day running of the business , while her mother had been staying at home to look after her husband who was in poor health .
10 Liam is away at livery because Katharine is no longer at home to look after him and so riding is limited to the holidays .
11 The parents went to Mexico for Christmas and left their two little girls at home to look after themselves .
12 The classic one of the unmarried daughter who stays at home to look after parents for instance .
13 They used their extra income gained to stay at home to look after children .
14 Yes , Joan is right — mothers should stay at home to look after their own children .
15 We were obliged to open a crèche because we found girls staying at home to look after the babies .
16 In teaching , for example , married women were charged with being less efficient than men because of their higher absentee rates caused by pregnancy and by their need to stay at home to look after sick children , the fundamental assumption being that marriage and motherhood were incompatible with a career .
17 The thing is though they , they look at it , they always look at it that erm , they earn the money so they can go out and get it , you know , women are n't entitled to anything , they 're just at home to look after the children
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