Example sentences of "[prep] state control [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His leader , John Smith , has announced a conversion from the traditional Labour policy towards state control of industry to one in which the question of ownership is ‘ largely irrelevant . ’
2 The attempt to rationalize various spheres of state control through increased centralization was consistent with the Vietnamese government 's widely perceived caution concerning the pace of political reform .
3 The attempt to achieve a national core curriculum , while widely supported as a way of improving literacy and numeracy amongst schoolchildren , was also feared as yet another turn in the ratchet of state control over local experimentation .
4 In perpetuating a financial structure which offers tremendous advantages to large firms , it is as important to consider the role of the state in maintaining the idiosyncrasies of the financial system as it is to debate the extent of state control over commercial banks .
5 Most countries exert some degree of State control over the content and form of advertising .
6 This required two steps : the reimposition of state control over insurrectionist authorities such as the Committees of Public Safety ; and the restoration of a clear distinction between military and civilian spheres .
7 This was the legacy on the one hand , of state control of print media — books , pamphlets , journals , etc. — via the licensing of printers and publishers , censorship and other means ( 1631–1789 ) , and state control of telecommunications ( telegraphy ) and sound broadcasting ( laws of 1837 , 1851 and 1923 ; ordinance of March 1945 , etc . ) .
8 The debate centred around the issue of state control of education , of which Williams was in favour , and in particular the Aristotelian view on the issue .
9 Once it was realized that financial self-sufficiency was no longer possible , the focus moved to forms of state control of the railway and the need for state resources to fund its deficit .
10 For how can one really study a system of state control without acknowledging that such an activity itself is antithetical to the direction of power ?
11 Contrary to expectations , the corporatist state is less bureaucratic that other forms : ‘ Corporatism , therefore , will tend towards indirect , unformalised , non-public and covert forms of administration … theoretically corporatism is a system of state control without bureaucracy ’ ( Winkler 1977 , p. 50 ) .
12 Only in the United States and in Britain was there no element of state control by the First World War .
13 Rejecting the simultaneous freeing of prices for most goods and services ( the so-called " Polish variant " ) , Ryzhkov announced " a stage-by-stage introduction of market methods of price formation combined with state control over the level and movement of prices " .
14 Commenting on the new economic legislation , the Finance Minister , Vaclav Klaus , said that its main thrust was to revitalize small and medium-size state-owned companies through improved management and new investment ; furthermore , the government was aiming to establish a climate favouring private enterprise , but around one-third of the economy would remain under state control for the time being .
15 The radicals say the pragmatists ' policies are a betrayal of Khomeini 's legacy and that the move away from state control of the economy will harm the poor .
16 Reportedly he was chosen from a field of at least three candidates after two rounds of secret balloting ; commentators suggested that this bore out rumours of divisions within the Church between conservatives and reformers seeking to capitalize on greater freedom from state control by playing a more assertive role in society .
17 The Bureau was closed down in 1979 and an interesting experiment in State control over the geography of office location came to an end ( Manners and Morris , 1986 ) .
18 It has deviated from passionately enunciated principles on monetarism , on public spending 's rightful portion of GNP , on Ireland , on state control of education , on ( soon ) immigration , and much else .
19 This relates to the general issue of whether there is a consistent policy on state control of the media .
20 His initial prescription was a cure based on State control of production and on detailed planning of labour .
21 The first of these is characterized by state control of the press and its eventual emancipation from such controls .
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