Example sentences of "[prep] relation to other " in BNC.

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1 Each of the ‘ sentences ’ in the network only has meaning in terms of its relations to other sentences , and each of these sentences only has meaning in relation to others , and so on .
2 It may be argued that sexuality has a certain uniqueness which is absent from much property : sexuality is an intrinsic part of one 's personality , it is a mode of expressing that personality in relation to others , and it is therefore fundamental that one should be able to choose whether to express oneself in this way — and , if so , towards and with whom .
3 I remember researching the notes for the Bach Brandenburg Concerto you played when you brought the Berlin Philharmonic to play in the Sheldonian in Oxford and coming across a passage in the writing of that great American philosopher Susanne Langer , where she defines the competent artist as someone whose mind is trained and predisposed to see every option in relation to others and the whole .
4 In an ideal world , If we all became truly aware of ourselves in relation to others , there would be no need for greed or violence — but we are still far from our ideal world .
5 But it is good to be reminded of who one is in relation to others who know a bit of one 's past ; where one ‘ is coming from ’ .
6 These assumptions about ourselves in relation to others are called life positions because they tend to dictate the positions we take up throughout life .
7 Behavioural rights are more a matter of belief than legislation since they tend to be based on conclusions which you have reached about yourself in relation to others .
8 Care was identified as being those activities which one person did for another ; informal care consisted of practical care , information/advocacy , links with the outside world , regular surveillance , social integration ( belonging to a group or having a satisfying role in relation to others ) and affection .
9 More , the fact that this being , Homo sapiens , is from the moment of birth aware of itself in relation to others , and experiences and defines itself in such a relational mode , suggests the universal , pre-cultural basis of a relational concept that appears to occur in one form or another in all human cultural systems : the complementarity of Self and Other ; Us and Them .
10 Where one stood and where one sat in relation to others was always very prescribed .
11 In our culture women typically conceptualise themselves in relation to others ; discussion of the implications of this can be found in several of the papers ( Alison Assiter , Lorraine Code , Jean Grimshaw and Judith Hughes ) .
12 The last is of interest to parents who wish to know where their child stands in relation to others of about the same age and also , at various levels of aggregation , to teachers , heads , LEAs , the Government and the wider community .
13 TGAT 's second reason for a marking scale — ‘ establishing where the child stands in relation to others ’ — is at the root of the matter .
14 Equally , each organization will have developed its own sense of its tasks mission and role in relation to others .
15 Douglas McGregor , in his book The Human Side of Enterprise , discussed the way in which managers see themselves in relation to others .
16 She did not want to find herself in a hierarchical situation in relation to others at work , thereby creating false barriers and reinforcing the capitalist class structure .
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