Example sentences of "[prep] keep a eye " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I am seeing difficulties where none need exist but it 's worth keeping an eye on .
2 We asked BBC producer and presenter Mike Edgar to pinpoint ten new Northern acts who 'd be worth keeping an eye on over the coming year .
3 It is a sensitive area , well placed for keeping an eye on anything that happens in the Thames , and , seaward , in the North Sea .
4 ‘ They 're invaluable for keeping an eye on competitors ’ activities and can save thousands of pounds in research and development .
5 With one sergeant I had then , I used to make up stories about keeping an eye on thieves if he did n't find me at the points .
6 Constable Perkins was torn between keeping an eye on the scene of the crime — and perhaps making a brilliant arrest — or calling up reinforcements .
7 After keeping an eye on several possible candidates who were working in local shops , I finally selected a young man who was an assistant at a fruiterer 's in Kensington .
8 ‘ Still , at least you seem to appreciate I 've given you the plum job , whilst landing myself with the task of keeping an eye on Fedorov .
9 Jonadab questioned the waggoner 's lad , who had been given the job of keeping an eye on the horse .
10 Routine care consists of keeping an eye open for pests and diseases along with the occasional division of aquatic plants .
11 A bit difficult to explain — I was sort of keeping an eye on things . ’
12 It moves towards the acceptance of belonging at the same time to a larger enterprise which combines the strengths of sharing and collaboration and the sharpness of keeping an eye out for one 's own survival .
13 Yeah erm I du n no if it would do much good actually but er yeah but er no she , she 's , she 's quite good about you know sort of erm you know kind of keeping an eye on students and , and stuff like that , anyway er so if you could right
14 Now Simon Ratcliffe 's been in er all this lunchtime sort of keeping an eye on me have n't you Simon ?
15 We 've got ta keep an eye on the water .
16 Well I 've got ta keep an eye them though these days .
17 I underestimated Hanne 's conscientiousness in keeping an eye on me .
18 By keeping an eye on him , the reader was able to feel confident that he was audible .
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