Example sentences of "[prep] all [pron] lives " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Reading was the best day of all our lives , ’ sighs Mat .
2 ‘ Reading was the best day of all our lives , ’ sighs Mat .
3 It is an essential part of all our lives concerned with the food we eat , the clothes we wear and the fuels we burn .
4 Certainly they make demands on social and medical services , and it is possible that severely mentally handicapped people will have to be looked after for all their lives .
5 I can still remember the day when it walked into all our lives .
6 Mental handicap is a disability which a person will live with all their lives .
7 At the 1990 North Sea Conference the right to put radioactive waste on or below the sea bed was insisted upon by Britain , provoking the Dutch Environment Minister to assert that " Britain is playing with all our lives " .
8 ‘ The government and the ANC are dangerously toying with all our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren . ’
9 If a skewbald or piebald horse is introduced into a group of other solid coloured or monochromed horses — chestnuts , bays , greys , browns , whites , and blacks — the solid coloured horses are likely to go quite silly , as if they have never seen anything so terrible and exciting in all their lives before !
10 Yea , some that come constantly to our meetings are grossly ignorant ; whereas in one hour 's familiar instruction of them in private , they seem to understand more , and better entertain it than they did in all their lives before . ’
11 And of the aching gap the loss of his beautiful daughter has left in all their lives .
12 It was strange that their paths had crossed at this crisis in all their lives .
13 That wedding between Liz and Owen had proved to be a watershed in all their lives .
14 They had never ever seen that in all their lives before .
15 There are things in all our lives that displease him : misplaced ambition , wrong relationships , lack of prayerfulness , slackness in spiritual things , and so on .
16 Such incidents happen with greater or lesser degrees of seriousness at regular intervals in all our lives .
17 Why has housing never been a central issue for the women 's liberation movement in Britain , despite the crucial place that it occupies in all our lives ?
18 And the following visit he made here he brought with him Miss Virginia she was one of the personnel at Stepney Causeway she was the Miss Virginia , the niece of the line and she came and she said that she would help in erm doing some organisation and and giving us some insight as to what we had to do , because we had never run a fete in all our lives !
19 The voluntary sector , therefore , has an enormous role to play , in all our lives , and investing in it , is essential for the long term future of commerce and industry , for without it , the cement would not , would not set , and cracks would appear throughout our society .
20 Her father 's company , Swift Investments , was an international finance house founded by her grandfather , and it was the bone that Charles and Jamie had fought over all their lives .
21 With a rolling network we would have been there live to provide them with information of direct concern to all their lives — people , incidentally , who could not afford to pay for a service from any other source .
22 This act brings shame to all our lives .
23 But none teach any quite as basic or , some say , as vital to all our lives , as those offered by a far less well-known neighbour .
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