Example sentences of "[prep] their [noun pl] to keep " in BNC.

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1 But whenever Angus and his daughter went out in the boat fishing for their lives to keep themselves fed , it seemed that a seal swam in front of the boat and lead them towards the places where the fishes were thickest in the sea in that part of the coast .
2 PUBLICANS are campaigning on behalf of their customers to keep down the price of the pint in the Republic .
3 It was called Frag , and it would be giving off enough psychochemical fragrance into their nostrils to keep there minds dislocated for a week .
4 with their sticks to keep them steady .
5 For younger children , play the same game but this time they can hit the ball with their hands to keep it in the air .
6 The previous one had never been clean before the next one arrived ; they had had dummies shoved in their mouths to keep them quiet until they were four or five ; and they crawled , ran and fell around the place — filthy , whining and hungry — until Onyx was forced to give them some of the attention they needed .
7 The political situation in Zaire , however , continues to be oppressive , and the country 's churches are battling against enormous odds in their attempts to keep the population informed about what is happening in their country .
8 It also gave them an additional incentive in their efforts to keep the peace between Plantagenets and Capetians , for they stood to lose lands and revenues through confiscation in time of war .
9 It 's in their interests to keep her safe .
10 After all , it 's in their interests to keep you going — if you 're pushed into total insolvency you become a worse debt to them .
11 For once she was early and there were only a handful of girls in the yard , all stamping their feet and huddling in their cloaks to keep out the bitter cold .
12 There are no clay organisms ; and clays do not scavenge and process energy from their surroundings to keep themselves intact .
13 It was bitterly cold in the cell-like bedroom and the two girls were huddled on the bed , wrapped in blankets , with cats draped over their feet to keep out the cold .
14 During the Second World War , many of the world 's armies were in foreign lands , and countries had to send music and entertainment to their forces to keep up morale .
15 On their sides to keep the corks moist .
16 Many counties had drawn on their reserves to keep rate increases down in their own election year of 1989 .
17 Ambulance crews have been warned by their unions to keep a dossier of all delays because of the risk of litigation and possible disciplinary action .
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