Example sentences of "[prep] what have already " in BNC.

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1 That he might die , he did not much care , not , as he lay , and without protest , after what had already happened .
2 Our chances of ending the war quickly would certainly be greatly increased if the battle were won ; but if we failed to win it , even after what had already been achieved , our victory would merely be postponed and not rendered impossible , especially if we resolved in good time not to persist with our useless efforts at Verdun , but to take the initiative of attack elsewhere .
3 Perhaps the best known version is Shakespeare 's seven ages of man which is a poetic statement of what had already been received wisdom for centuries and was to remain so for centuries to come .
4 Now that he was clear of the hawthorn scent of the hedge and the reek of cattle dung , he became fully aware of what had already been drifting into his nostrils while he was lying among the thorn .
5 He was philosophical , not to say laid back about the inconvenience of being called out unnecessarily at the end of what had already been a long day .
6 I finally turned to Kent , not because of what had already been discovered there but because it was on my doorstep and a lot more accessible than either France or Wiltshire .
7 Well I think I 've been rather more fortunate , the two branch managers I 've had er , before , I 'd not had long enough , er , both have given albeit not regular , but feedback both positive and negative , er , when you 're doing a good job and when you 're doing a bad job , and er , in all honesty , it 's probably the appraisal itself , that 's actually been unnecessary because of their feedback they 're given me during the year , because the appraisal is just a formal repetition of what 's already been said .
8 As regards the concept of time , the poem is remarkable for its modern point of view : ‘ Similarly , time by itself does not exist ; but from things themselves there results a sense of what has already taken place , what is now going on and what is to ensue .
9 Scanning and monitoring provide a picture of what has already taken place and what is happening .
10 Even if Telecom could get planning permission for its Ballsbridge site ( although it is difficult to see anyone now wanting to get caught up in a possible planning scandal on top of what has already gone down ) the development costs are going to be huge .
11 This last co-ordinate specifically enables the hearer to interpret what is said in the light of what has already been said .
12 The nature of the latter reflects much of what has already been discussed above .
13 Taking account of what has already been achieved by a student and breaching the barriers between separate sections of education and training calls for conscious management .
14 Traditionally , online systems have delivered information that may well be kept up to date on a regular and frequent basis but is still essentially a record of what has already taken place , an accumulation of historical information .
15 It therefore follows that in my view , that it is consonant with the requirements of P P G three , particularly paragraph thirty three , that a new settlement should be part of the housing and employment strategy of the Greater York area , that it does not conflict , in my view , with the consultation draft of P P G thirteen which really embodies much of what has already been said in P P G three and twelve with regard to travel issues .
16 I am conscious of unfinished business : we still need many more new members ( and the newly announced bonus scheme for Sections should help here ) ; we still have more to do to broaden and cement relationships with other transport associations , despite what has already been achieved ; and above all we have to continue to strive for transport excellence , and to adapt and change to meet today 's needs .
17 Therefore Schaffner was forced to take the unusual step of shooting it mostly in sequence , getting on with what had already been written .
18 The past was beginning to accelerate , drawing upon what had already been accomplished in its continued drive towards greater complexity , as land surfaces similarly underwent transformation .
19 Implicit in what has already been said is the inescapable fact that many old people have , by reason of physical frailty , a degree of enforced dependence which is unwelcome .
20 In almost every case ( Leopold in Tuscany is perhaps the one real exception ) the new façade of fashionable ideology clothed policies which followed naturally from what had already been attempted by relatively unenlightened predecessors .
21 From what has already been said it is possible to gain a rough understanding of the second and third of these claims .
22 If convention is silent there is no law , and the force of that negative claim is exactly that judges should not then pretend that their decisions flow in some other way from what has already been decided .
23 ( What would have happened at Verdun had Renault remained out of business can readily be deduced from what has already been said about the Voie Sacrée . )
24 They could n't see beyond what had already been sold . ’
25 Going above and beyond what 's already been tried in Britain .
26 With the consumer industry and media boffins jamming up behind one another to support the unquestionably fine ideals of conservation , one can only wish that they would ask themselves as they prepare to board one more rolling bandwagon whether they really have anything to add to what has already been said .
27 Almost all of these show different aspects of the draughtsmanship of each artist from the drawings already published by the Getty and several are superior to what has already been acquired , notably the Bernini , Leonardo , Pontormo , Primaticcio , Savoldo , Veronese and above all the three Watteaus , which are superb contrasting examples of that great artist 's style .
28 These words may simply add more information to what has already been said ( and , furthermore , add to that ) or elaborate or exemplify it ( for instance , thus , in other words ) .
29 They may relate new information to what has already been given in terms of causes ( so , consequently , because , for this reason ) or in time ( formerly , then , in the end , next ) or they may indicate a new departure or a summary ( by the way , well , to sum up , anyway ) .
30 Like my hon. Friend the Member for Basildon , before considering trust status may I refer to what has already happened to his constituents and to all the other residents in the Basildon and Thurrock health authority .
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