Example sentences of "[prep] which appeared [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ditton worked in the bakery over vacations for a few years and reckoned that each man had an illegal income of about 10 per cent of his bread sales , very little of which appeared as a loss in the firm 's financial records .
2 while the Ministry of Defence deployed a speech-synthesiser called Ian McDonald to give the British public all the news fit to print , all of which appeared to be found fit several days after it happened .
3 She 'd fled , but not before he 'd accused her with brutish , angry words of a number of character and personality deficiencies , the greatest of which appeared to be her total inability to appreciate the finer qualities of Marcus Pritchard .
4 Ground improvements and publicity were used for the same purpose , and so that football should reach as wide a public as possible , Chapman persuaded the Examiner to publish a Saturday sports edition , the first issue of which appeared on 10 January , 1925 .
5 The MiniLink and MaxiLink container systems , both of which appeared in 1987 , incorporated some novel design features which enabled road-rail transfer without the need for separate lifting equipment .
6 Historically , the principal safeguard was the doctrine of the rule of law , first given widespread currency in A. V. Dicey 's extraordinarily influential Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution , the first edition of which appeared in 1885 .
7 Mr MacKinlay said he had heard of the existence of a list of services , some of which appeared in The Observer newspaper yesterday .
8 I refer to the view developed by Thomas Kuhn , the first version of which appeared in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , initially published in 1962 .
9 After six months as a house surgeon at Essex County Hospital , Colchester , he set up as a country doctor in the New Forest , his amusing recollections of which appeared in St. Bartholomew 's Hospital Journal ( 1933–5 ) .
10 Ms Dickinson explained that the committee last year placed four advertisements , two of which appeared in a 16-page December children 's book supplement in the Independent on Sunday .
11 As soon as the 1966 White Paper was published , however , the Principal , six department heads and the Registrar went into a retreat in a local hotel and began the process which resulted in a development plan , the first , policy-focussed part of which appeared in December , written by the Principal and Polytechnic Director designate , Norman ( later Sir Norman ) Lindop .
12 His work on Glastonbury was assisted by research there , and in preparing his histories of English kings and bishops , the Gesta Regum and the Gesta Pontificum , both of which appeared in 1125 and were revised subsequently , he seems to have visited most of the major cathedrals and abbeys in England , examining their archives and listening to their oral traditions .
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