Example sentences of "[prep] his idea that " in BNC.

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1 In connection with that , I wonder if you have thought of Vico 's history of the primitive races — of his idea that the ancient gods and later heroes are personifications of the fates and aspirations of the people rising in figures from the common mind ?
2 Daley countered this with his idea that black players can use the mental facility only with other blacks , believing that even the black players who had commanded football league places had not been allowed to play to their utmost because they were engulfed by whites who were on ‘ different wavelengths ’ .
3 But Casaubon is not without insight in his idea that the committed experimental philosopher may come to think that all areas of human concern and experience are legitimate grist to his mill .
4 He was so forceful and dogmatic in his ideas that the Girls would be embarrassed at band calls when he interrupted acts , totally unknown to him , to tell them what he thought was wrong .
5 And the typing college was a come down , I can tell you , from his idea that she would go into a profession ; he 'd even thought of university .
6 Trustee Arthur Houghton is called ‘ a loose cannon ’ due to his idea that the Cloisters ‘ could be made more appealing to the average visitor by weeding out the ‘ welter of objects ’ .
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