Example sentences of "[prep] priority given to " in BNC.

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1 The lack of priority given to teaching singing to ordinands is explained by one respondent who wrote , ‘ Part of the problem with the teaching of singing has to do with the relative infrequency with which the Sunday Offices are now sung …
2 Rather than being the workshop of the world , Britain was becoming one of the world 's secretarial colleges , with priority given to non-manual clerical and service occupation .
3 by distracting the teachers from issues of the quality of delivery to administrative , bureaucratic issues , with priority given to meetings , form-filling and planning of a kind that fails to impact on the quality of the classroom .
4 The setting up , in 1991 , of the Ecole Nationale du Patrimoine , staffed mainly by art historians , has further demoted archaeological research ; the national plan for archaeology , which was to have been a blueprint for future research projects , has not yet received the promised funding of FFr17 million ( £1.7 million ; $2.9 million ) ; and their proposal that special forms of taxation be introduced to pay for urgent excavations ( with priority given to the most deserving cases ) has not been taken up .
5 Under the terms of the IMF loan , the fiscal deficit would be kept to 3.2 per cent of gross domestic product , but public investment would be allowed to rise , with priority given to education , health , water and sanitation , as well as infrastructure and research and development .
6 The directive requires member states to designate sites with rare and important habitats and species , with priority given to the most threatened sites .
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