Example sentences of "[prep] whom i have " in BNC.

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1 He is a man for whom I have the greatest admiration .
2 there would be a practical advantage in uniting some official knowledge of their wants as well as your artistic skill , on the one hand , with my own claims , whatever they may be considered to be , on the other ; and were they to honour us by proposing a joint appointment , I can only say that I should feel much satisfaction in undertaking this great work in conjunction with a brother Architect for whom I have so great a respect as yourself …
3 It is important to do justice to the situation , which necessarily involves a description of a very remarkable woman for whom I have considerable respect .
4 I also enclose a bill you sent to the previous tenant of this flat , for whom I have no forwarding address .
5 I am sure that my hon. and gallant Friend , whom I have known for many years and for whom I have a great affection , would agree that about half the best people are women .
6 I shall give way to the hon. Gentleman , for whom I have some affection , or to any other Labour Member who can tell me what part of that mandate I have reneged on .
7 The Secretary of State is one of the few Ministers for whom I have any respect .
8 When I have to answer them I have some difficulty defending Members of the House , for whom I have a high regard and affection , if they behave badly , but such bad behaviour does not always come from the same side of the House .
9 Indeed I think that the the the present secretary of state for whom I have great respect and regard , I think he would be very well advised to think again , because I think that the temporary derision that he would meet in the House of Commons would be nothing as compared with the the er the wounding that he will sustain later if and when things go wrong with these proposals .
10 We stand to England in a different relationship since John 's day , and no prisoner for whom I have offered ransom can vanish now without an account being demanded .
11 Edward never proposed to me , I never ‘ accepted ’ him , yet here we are just as much engaged and much more so than lovers of whom I have read .
12 In all the years I have been practising , and among all the hypnotherapists whom I know or of whom I have read , I have never heard of any individual suffering any side-effects at all — except positive ones .
13 Linzey , of whom I have said little , bases his case upon strong ‘ theos ’ rights for animals emanating from the God of Christianity being on the side of , or ‘ for ’ his creation ( 1989 : 40–4 ) .
14 Heyward , of whom I have just made mention , writes of Jesus as follows : ‘ Jesus matters only if he was fully , and only , human . ’
15 These are evident in the projects of a wide variety of film-makers , artists , novelists , poets and photographers , some of whom I have already referred to .
16 ‘ What about the Dean , of whom I have heard both Theodora and Ian speak with affection ? ’
17 ‘ I am dependent on people with whom I have been associated in the past inviting me and I must say they could not have been more gracious . ’
18 Many witches with whom I have discussed Christianity have a real sense of humour and pleasant personalities .
19 Nor do the dozens of other Bible-believing Christians with whom I have discussed the matter .
20 Support for Indian influence has been given also by certain Aboriginal elders and initiates with whom I have conversed , and my explorations in India into serpent worship have strongly indicated that the concept of the Rainbow Serpent could be a direct transposition from Indian serpent lore .
21 IT is a great privilege and pleasure for me to honour my old friend and colleague John Gillam , with whom I have worked and argued over the last thirty years .
22 He has in my view done as much for the West Riding as anyone with whom I have worked .
23 Despite much discussion these days of the ‘ entrepreneurial personality , ’ few of the entrepreneurs with whom I have worked during the last 30 years had such personalities .
24 There is no leader with whom I have a deeper sense of personal friendship and gratitude. *
25 I was no exception to this rule when I graduated to command and number some very good friends amongst the chiefs with whom I have sailed .
26 I return letter to you ( undated ) which I have copied to Hans Kuwall , DSO Manager , with whom I have discussed the request made by Edinburgh University Ski Club .
27 Will my hon. Friend — with his hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , with whom I have corresponded on the matter — undertake to consider further how a housing association might help with the difficult and complex problem faced by owner-occupiers in Galmington in Taunton , whose homes were built in a non-traditional manner just after the war and who can not now sell those homes ?
28 I find it strange that people with whom I have been associated should now accept that independent bankers control so much of our destiny .
29 I congratulate the right hon. and learned Member for Warley , West ( Mr. Archer ) , with whom I have debated closely during the past three or four years , on his good fortune in getting this debate at a rather fashionable hour — earlier than the watches of the night — during the Consolidated Fund debate .
30 Their fate is also being decided here in London , where our Foreign and Commonwealth Office and our Minister for Overseas Development , with whom I have had many talks on this large subject are doing all that they can to help .
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