Example sentences of "[prep] doubt is that " in BNC.

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1 The value of doubt is that it can be used to detect error .
2 Whether or not the time transposition works is a matter of individual decision — what is not in doubt is that the true nature of the work is preserved and well put over .
3 What is not in doubt is that many members failed to follow the professional path of Section 2f in the dispute , and were thus in breach of the Code of Professional Conduct .
4 What is not in doubt is that in spite of huge emigration , steadily dropping natality and enormous wartime losses , the European population as a whole still went up throughout this period ( see also pp. 367–68 ) .
5 What is not in doubt is that there is a highly active market in take-overs in the UK , and therefore not surprisingly managements do commonly take steps to safeguard their positions .
6 What is beyond doubt is that just as much as the nuclear scientists have tried to point to a superficially clean industrial process , symbolized by the white Windscale coats , so the public 's fear has centred on the insidious threat of its invisible touch .
7 What is beyond doubt is that the investment community has been enthusiastic in its response .
8 What is clear beyond doubt is that the level of intensional entities can not be identified with any level or world of objectively existing referents ; ( 25 ) is a perfectly coherent remark despite the fact that the speaker explicitly denies the existence of one of the principal participants in it : ( 25 ) If Jack had married , his wife would now be the dowager duchess of Luntshire
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