Example sentences of "[prep] they round [art] " in BNC.

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1 It would mean a longer walk for them round the northward coil of the river , but that was a small matter once they were out of the town .
2 A Range Rover pulling a horsebox sped towards them round the next bend , straddling the middle of the lane and causing Mossop to swerve through a muddy ditch at the roadside .
3 Afterwards , he remembered that Lots Road power station had smoked whitely into a grey sky , and that along the Embankment a cold wind had been whipping off the river , driving spread-eagled pages from an old newspaper before it and wrapping one of them round the legs of a tall , frail man in a tweed overcoat .
4 It was there that they bumped into some friends of Alexander 's , a couple with two young children of their own , and spent an hour chatting with them round the café table .
5 I peered at them round the end of the house .
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