Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj -er] period " in BNC.

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1 Such a clock will wake an individual when a certain stage of the sleep/wake cycle is reached ; if he goes to bed late then that stage will be reached after a shorter period of sleep than usual .
2 In other cases a relative or foster carer may apply for custody after a shorter period and you will be informed of this action and be able to contest it in court if you wish .
3 After a further period in the translation agency of a chemical firm , she returned to England and had a child .
4 After a further period of three months or so , Don Bennett appointed me Group training inspector — and I became virtually a horse thief !
5 If the monies are not claimed after a further period ( usually 6 or 12 years ) then the bidder will be released from its payment obligation and the moneys paid back to it .
6 In recent years , after an earlier period of reaction , most of the leading German theologians have been post-Barthian in the sense that while they have departed from him in various ways , they have nevertheless taken a basic orientation from him .
7 Second , under the proposals , established partners who anticipate retiring after the five-year transitional relief has expired will pay tax in respect of a greater period of time than they have actually been a partner .
8 While life expectancy has extended , it appears to have been at the price of a longer period and a greater proportion of life being spent in chronic sickness .
9 Should we dump everything down onto a long-term storage medium and select at the end of a longer period of time with the benefit of historical hindsight , say after 25 years ?
10 Although the chalk and brickwork is striking , the over-elaborate design is indicative of a later period of construction .
11 A particularly elegant binding of a later period is that designed by Jessie M. King on a copy of The High History of the Holy Graal Translated from the French by Sebastian Evans ; with Decorative Drawings by Jessie M. King ( London , 1903 ) .
12 There are some identifiable developed deities ; there are some incongruously primitive daemons too , which may look back towards an earlier period of religious feeling ; there are also some images of divinities which seem to be relatively poorly assimilated foreign imports .
13 It would also need to pay attention to regional variations , since it is true , even in these days of mass mobility and the mass media , that to travel to a place remote from a major centre of population is to move back in time and rediscover the traditions and practices of an earlier period .
14 Engineers of an earlier period employed in gasoline production ( 8 ) .
15 Hitler 's idea of Lebensraum , living space , though derived from the ideas of an earlier period , was in practice total nonsense .
16 However , the Younger Committee argued that such a topic as privacy , which can be subject to rapid changes in social convention , was probably best not regulated on the basis of the slow build-up of case law , which would always tend to reflect the values of an earlier period rather than of contemporary society .
17 The collector will know that it is faked up in the style of an earlier period .
18 If one considers hierarchical assemblies in general , their evolution from their constituents is far more likely if they consist of relatively stable sub-assemblies which themselves are evolutionary products of an earlier period .
19 In the second part of his autobiography Ways of Escape , Graham Greene writes of an earlier period , ‘ … in Indo-China I drained a magic potion , a loving-cup which I have shared since with many retired colonels and officers of the Foreign Legion whose eyes light up at the mention of Saigon and Hanoi ’ .
20 The idea that a contritional experience is an ongoing activity in which every man fights and conquers those elements of his fallen nature as Christ fought evil on the Cross and that this is part of the continuing process of redemption — indeed its very condition — was at the heart of their preaching and teaching which developed the monastic piety of an earlier period for a lay audience .
21 Rule 5 The module version has been nominated for a greater period than the nomination latency set in the configuration file .
22 Supporting evidence for a wetter period is archaeological and consists of evidence of human occupation , especially near the edges of the plateau , of Palaeolithic and ‘ Neolithic ’ type .
23 Easson noted : ‘ One of the things we need is to be together with these guys for a lengthier period , whether pre-season , or an off-season tour . ’
24 If you take your allowance in the form of miniatures , you will make a lot of friends — for a shorter period .
25 They believe that it is too expensive an option , given that older workers will remain in employment for a shorter period than younger ones .
26 The first which establish themselves by chance in a particular spot , tend , by the mere occupancy of space , to exclude other species — the greater choke the smaller , the longest livers replace those which last for a shorter period , he more prolific gradually make themselves masters of the ground , which species multiplying more slowly would otherwise fill .
27 The governments that result , either a minority party governing with the consent of other parties , or a coalition of two or more parties , tend to last for a shorter period than one-party governments but the difference disappears if reshuffles of ministerial posts within single-party governments are taken into account ( Blondel , 1990 , p. 271 ) .
28 He had n't had to suffer as much as her — I do n't so much mean that , like fishes , his pain threshold was higher than a human being 's ( although I do n't doubt that was the case ) as that he 'd been aware that his son was missing for a shorter period than his wife .
29 However , deprivation of liberty for a shorter period does not have such an effect .
30 Only 4.3% of the subjects in the violent condition could subsequently recall the number on the jersey whereas 27.9% in the non-violent condition were able to despite actually having seen the boy for a shorter period of time .
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