Example sentences of "[prep] [be] referred [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , people tend to be referred through the psychiatric services as they currently exist locally , er or through their G P .
2 Consult your doctor in order to be referred for specialist help .
3 You may need to be referred for specialist advice and treatment .
4 Patient 301 was the first person in this family to be referred for genetic counselling .
5 One could perhaps specify further : it was normal for disputes in Ireland to be referred to the Congregation of Propaganda , as Ireland , being part of a protestant state , fell under its jurisdiction .
6 This he did with difficulty , partly on account of his bad eyesight , partly because of what in later years would come to be referred to as ‘ a learning disability ’ or ‘ mild dyslexia ’ ; and partly because he simply was n't much of a reader .
7 However , you can ask for a review of the decision , and if you are still not satisfied you can ask for your situation to be referred to a social fund inspector .
8 What joy to be referred to as a mophead !
9 A petition carrying 4.5 million signatures collected from the public by ambulance crews is to be placed before Parliament with the help of the Labour leader , Mr Neil Kinnock , this week , calling for the dispute to be referred to arbitration , which Mr Clarke still opposes .
10 THE LABOUR leader , Mr Neil Kinnock , challenged the Prime Minister yesterday to allow the pay of 22,000 ambulance staff to be referred to a pay review body , as is done for 600,000 health service workers .
11 Rosemary , a young mother of two , and Clyde , a former Scots Guardsman , were lucky to be referred to the only NHS clinic which attempts to treat the condition .
12 In America , all tend to be referred to as Turtles .
13 Where any difference is to be referred to arbitration , the making of an award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against the Insurer .
14 Yes , he was a professor — an associate , not the holder of a chair , and did teach , but preferred to be referred to as Dr. Briant rather than professor .
15 Consideration of these two theoretical positions — the non-associative notion of differentiation and the associative account ( to be referred to as ‘ mediation , ) — will occupy the latter part of this chapter .
16 But there is at least a hint in the Bill that in certain circumstances opted-out schools ( to be referred to as grant-maintained schools ) might receive extra funds from the DES : although in general such schools are to receive funding equivalent to that which they would have received from the LEA , Clause 67 ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) lay down that for certain ‘ special purposes ’ extra non-recurrent or recurrent grants may be forthcoming .
17 Since a book by itself can not teach you to windsurf from scratch , this beginner 's section is a guide to be referred to .
18 There was a tendency for both to be referred to as the Wild White or Park cattle but there are noticeable differences between them and it has been firmly established , by cytogenetic and other tests , that the British White is no more closely related to the White Park than are other British breeds .
19 Of the two assessors , as they were to be referred to , Samuel Angell ( 1800–66 ) was the better known .
20 This is closely related to the more general idea of a common association base ( CAB ) : the argument is that some sort of conceptual link has to be formed between individuals which have been introduced if they are to be referred to by a plural pronoun .
21 It would also normally be advisable to have a term in the partnership deed which allows for disputes to be referred to arbitration , thereby avoiding the risks and costs of litigation .
22 Planning permission can either be complete in itself , normally referred to as ‘ full ’ permission or can require further details to be referred to the authority for approval .
23 You may ask to be referred to a chiropractor by your GP , or arrange a consultation on your own initiative .
24 If you 're still not satisfied , write to your County Council asking for the matter to be referred to its Fire Services Committee .
25 APBC members only work on referral from veterinary surgeons , so please discuss your case first with your vet and ask to be referred to the local APBC practitioner .
26 Waldegrave 's allotted question times at Westminster could be embarrassing occasions : any queries of substance will have to be referred to the ministries that matter .
27 I shall draw up a rota of ministers , each of whom is to be referred to in turn as ‘ the next leader of the Tory Party ’ , thus destroying their careers .
28 In cases where a patient needed to be referred to a specialty , usually orthopaedics for digital nerve or tendon injuries , a registrar or consultant had made the referral on my behalf .
29 The 28 days for Courtney 's case to be referred to the Court of Appeal runs out on Monday .
30 They have always to be referred to pedagogic decision .
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