Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] wife 's " in BNC.

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1 I have another matter to talk with them actually about my wife 's liability to class to contributions .
2 During my wife 's pregnancy , I was delighted to be invited to a dads-to-be session at our health centre .
3 If I tell her it was I who was responsible for my wife 's death , she 'll turn away from me in horror and disgust .
4 I 'VE just been to court for the first time in my life at 74 , because my local council said I owed them £63 for my wife 's poll tax during 1991–92 .
5 It does relate , however , that Tawell retained Sara Hart 's services after his wife 's death and rewarded the young lady with a second child .
6 He felt more duty to his mother too , because she had brought up his own first son after his wife 's death in childbirth .
7 Dustin 's transition after his wife 's rape from passive to active , from Clark Kent to Superman , comes about too smoothly to be credible .
8 After his wife 's departure in 1789 , Henry retired to the village of Bolas Magna in Shropshire to escape both the scandal and his heavy gambling debts .
9 When Freddie returned from compassionate leave in Scotland after his wife 's miscarriage and found the letter waiting which requested him to report to London immediately , he did so with thankfulness , even though he was not yet aware of the full repercussions of his latest extra-marital affair .
10 Spinner killed himself after his wife 's death .
11 Shortly after his wife 's death in 1951 he married Dorothy Joyce Ryder , daughter of Frank Bonham Ryder , an electrical engineer .
12 After his wife 's death in 1899 Machen briefly sought solace in the occult fraternity , the Order of the Golden Dawn , but ultimately found its teachings sterile .
13 , Arthur Norman ( 1914–1969 ) , philosopher , was born 4 December 1914 in Masterton , New Zealand , the only child of Elizabeth Munton Rothesay Teague ( who died shortly after his birth ) and Norman Henry Prior , medical doctor , who remarried shortly after his wife 's death , and had two other sons and a daughter .
14 Probyn , who made a television appeal after his wife 's disappearence , was later arrested at his home in Longley near Gloucester .
15 Four out of five regularly reach for their wife 's or girlfriend 's face cream and 13 per cent use their partner 's shampoo , a survey in Good Housekeeping magazine reveals .
16 ‘ And now — and again because of my wife 's insistence , because of her concern for your health — I have hired a conveyance to take you to the railway station at Skipton . ’
17 About four years ago , while negotiating a new house insurance , I asked about coverage of my wife 's knitting machines while in transit to and from evening classes .
18 " May I present to you , Madame Sherman , a member of my wife 's family , Monsieur Dao Van Lat .
19 The information provided by the certificate of the marriage of two of my wife 's ancestors , solemnized at the church of St Andrew , Newtown Kinson in the county of Dorset , is shown in Table 3 .
20 My daughter wo n't let go of my wife 's hand when she takes her to school .
21 I came out of it because of my wife 's health though .
22 I thought you might be interested in this photograph of two of my wife 's lambs feeding with a cleverly conceived use of one of Sainsbury 's carrier bags .
23 Never was much interested in anything except sex , despite my wife 's efforts to civilise me .
24 More usually it left him ashamed and angry , despite his wife 's kind words of consolation , and Ashi herself in an agitated state of dissatisfaction and unhappiness .
25 A pottery fireman lived opposite his wife 's parents , but because of her drinking ‘ they would n't have nothing to do with her …
26 She did not even tell her father , John , aged 76 , of his wife 's death .
27 The presumption that the husband is the father of his wife 's children is one that can be overthrown only by evidence of the most cogent , even though not of the most direct , kind .
28 Roger Vadim , a shrewd marketer of his wife 's attractions , had calculated this .
29 Everyone around him had assumed that at the ti me of his wife 's death he must miss her very much and said what a wonderful person she was .
30 But what , she wondered , did the Colonel think about during the periods of his wife 's persistent chattering ?
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