Example sentences of "[prep] [det] means [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Is there an intention by our government through some means or another , to get this matter brought before the court so that we can have the matter er sorted out where it belongs .
2 Moreover , it is through such means that the discretionary powers and prerogatives of the copper on the beat come to be exercised .
3 The first will deal with the implications of central government attempts to ‘ Indonesianise ’ Bali through such means as administrative changes and television , as well as to examine the effects of local development programmes and the expanding tourist industry .
4 Jenny , as I had already worked out , was a woman of some means and she clearly was n't bothered by the fact she was having to subsidize me .
5 The HRD practitioner can assist in this task through the use of such means as surveys and interviews .
6 It is through these means that the people , our people , all the people in this city many of them bound together and then able to go out and think about their civic lives if you like , their civic , the way th that this council works perhaps and take part much more in just go in and putting little crosses on pieces of paper maybe .
7 Now I 'm not saying that two wrongs make a right , and the fact that women have had to put up with this means than men just have to put up with it in their turn .
8 Cost : £25 ( including all means and accommodation ) Unwaged , £15 .
9 She went on to emphasise the growing need to tackle environmental problems : ‘ It is no good proposing that we go back to some simple village life and halve our population by some means that have not yet been revealed .
10 What happens in the blast furnace is that the slag is lighter than the molten iron and it collects on top of the molten iron and by some means that I s
11 This dimension of Lacan also finds a precedent in Freud : ‘ the programme of becoming happy , which the pleasure principle imposes on us , can not be fulfilled ; yet we must not — indeed , we can not — give up our efforts to bring it nearer to fulfilment by some means or other , ( xii.271 ) .
12 By some means or other , people who have been forced to deny their beliefs , have eventually re-established their acts of worship either openly or clandestinely at whatever cost .
13 By some means or other the natural tendencies instilled by evolution , have to be brought under control , and the child must learn at a very early age that if he is to grow up and be happy , he must behave in accordance with rules and regulations .
14 It is vital that they must by some means or other plant the seed of conscience in the young from the very beginning of life , and until some better means can be found , fear and reward must be available to parents for that purpose .
15 One obvious policy for the achievement of this objective is for government to stimulate aggregate demand by some means or other .
16 In many species , if a female mates with two males , the second male by some means or other manages to fertilize many more than half the eggs .
17 The president had agreed that by some means or other Britain must gain a clear victory .
18 In the case of a planet N is very large and therefore a considerably larger quantity of volatiles can be acquired by the planet by this means than it could acquire by capturing gases directly from the PFM .
19 Fortunately it is in the company 's interests so to do , because it is only by such means that the free , wholehearted collaboration of free men can be enlisted .
20 It was by such means that every aspect of knowledge was recorded , stored , and later retrieved .
21 Although this is largely an innate ability , particularly well developed in a few people , we can all develop sensitivity in general ( which will help our massage skills ) by such means as meditation , deep relaxation and nature attunements ( see Chapter 7 ) .
22 The beliefs and practices of witchcraft , with an emphasis on the cycles and hidden aspects of nature , the special significance of places , and the generation by such means as dancing of the ‘ cone of power ’ within a magic circle from the energy residing within the human body , tie in very well with the insights obtained through Earth Mysteries research .
23 For the rest , they can choose either to give preferential treatment to foreign firms ( by means of incentives not available to local firms ) , or to discriminate against them by such means as Brazil 's market reserve policies .
24 The development of participative popular democracy both ‘ at work ’ and in a broader social context — in itself a distinction the sharpness of which socialists wish to reduce by such means as Marx 's ‘ polytechnic ’ education and the creation of closer links between industry and community .
25 Parents are encouraged to make their own arrangements where possible , and are helped by such means as the admission of younger children to day nurseries .
26 This will be relevant both in relation to the client 's potential liability for breach of contract , and the need to limit such liability , and in relation to any attempt to provide the client with security by such means as a retention of title clause .
27 It is only by these means that we can apply technical innovation and effective management to the modification of our processes and procedures , in order to meet our objectives .
28 The casual labour problem was too sizeable to be solved by these means and it was unsuited to the temporary needs of unemployed skilled men .
29 Bright rays have not yet been darkened by these means and thus represent ejecta from craters of relatively recent origin .
30 Make your criticisms by all means but I hope that SRN is not joining the worst of our tabloid press where facts are never allowed to get in the way of a good story .
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