Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun sg] towards " in BNC.

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1 There was something purposeful about that stride towards the front door , and the deft slipping of the key into the lock — almost is though the house were hers already , thought little Miss Fogerty .
2 You go round that corner not off that way towards the wards just go from the desk right round the corner and follow it right the way down as far as you can go .
3 I wanted to sell the helmet for some money towards a bike , I told him .
4 Nevertheless if they were going to fly again they were gon na pay for a seat and they 're only looking for some recompense towards a new new ticket what 's wrong with sending them a voucher y'know , a properly produced voucher that we c that 's controlled properly by and all they do is guarantee any travel at their normal travel agent , do the business , attach the voucher to the B S P
5 It is difficult to provide an outright basis for this antipathy towards insider dealing , owing not only to the speculative nature of the inquiry but also because conclusive data does not exist and indeed is not likely ever to exist .
6 The citizens of the heavenly city , during their pilgrimage through this earth towards their fatherland of the world to come , had a duty to secure earthly peace in order to facilitate this pilgrimage .
7 It is to be assumed that in normative development the child passes through this stage towards a more mature relationship and perception .
8 Once the stereotypes have been established there has been a tendency towards self-fulfilling prophecy in the behaviour of each side towards the other .
9 In addition , science students thought that arts students had freer relationships with staff , and this resulted in an attitude of some disdain towards the arts :
10 If in Holy Scripture there are found some injunctions forbidding the infliction of some cruelty towards brute animals … this is either for removing a man 's mind from exercising cruelty towards other men … or because the injury inflicted on animals turns to a temporal loss for some man …
11 This seems unlikely given the skew of this sample towards older age groups .
12 What I shall endeavour to show is the extent and depth of this bias towards the male .
13 This shift in the economic status of the elderly from being predominantly without assets in the early years of this century towards having at least some private financial resources must represent an overall increase in the economic independence of the elderly population .
14 Any move of this kind towards the " summit diplomacy " of our own day was likely to undermine somewhat the position formerly enjoyed by the heads of great diplomatic missions .
15 Another more sinister aspect of this predisposition towards magic was the belief in the existence of witchcraft , which once again was accepted without question by educated Protestant zealots as well as illiterate country folk .
16 Such questions go well beyond the scope of this book , but they point us away from the epistemological frame of reference of this chapter towards the socio-cultural one of the next .
17 Equally relieved at the removal of any suspicion towards Dieter and delighted at the prospect of Dora 's embarrassment , she picked up her glass again and swallowed a mouthful of brandy with relish .
18 Although the user can not be ignored and the need for user feedback in the design process has been advocated , in practice we have had little evidence of any move towards user behaviour monitoring and evaluation procedures being adopted by commercial suppliers of online catalogue systems .
19 But the plain fact is , and genuinely I mean this , er , er , erm , if it were as simple working across the boundaries between yourselves and the Health Authority , between yourselves and the private sector , with the voluntary sector , and the great army of unpaid helpers if it was that simple , erm , then we would have moved a long way along that line towards implementation of a humane and caring care in the community twenty years ago , when these debates first started .
20 In spite of various difficulties over these early broadcasts and the general absence of supplementary printed material for class use , together with some antipathy towards this innovatory form of teaching , the Cambridge branch persisted with radio programmes into 1929 .
21 Plainly , there was no such feature in the building prior to its conversion , but its insertion has been undertaken so carefully and with such sensitivity towards the simple , almost primitive shapes and textures of the original interior that it looks like a perfectly natural element .
22 But the next best thing is for more money towards fourteen to nineteen education so that 's very welcome at least and was widely supported in the various versions we saw this morning , my concern is with the way in which this money is to got from the centre to the school and I 'd like to speak very strongly in favour of what if I got what you 're is education so that we aim to assist schools to build on their own interests and and not have it parcelled out by some central authority which is and which a sigh of this is an area of great relevance to schools
23 Paris was the world 's cultural capital in their eyes , but Russia suffered alternately from a deep-rooted inferiority complex , saddled with two cultural capitals looking away from each other towards Asia and Europe ; or from an unstable Messianic superiority complex , derived from Byzantium via Dostoevsky and now resurrected phoenix-like by the Bolsheviks under a new guise .
24 In families where there is a predisposition to violence , especially where an adult was abused as a child by the parent , the concept of elder abuse offers a further example of the violence extended in that family towards the least powerful members .
25 More specific economic policies , which have been widely discussed in recent years , fit within this tendency towards an autocratic state .
26 In countries which already have predominantly enterprise-level bargaining reverse and countervailing pressures have operated only to a more limited extent — in this case towards greater consolidation in bargaining structures .
27 This collusion between writers and critics was not deliberate , let alone coordinated in any systematic fashion , yet , in cultural and intellectual terms , the principal outcome was to revolutionize the literary landscape by initiating new , evaluative criteria to chart the movement from realism to modernism : Flaubert is also considered by Barthes to be the pivotal figure in this transformation towards an apparently less transparent writing .
28 And LASMO plays an invaluable part in this drive towards self-improvement by providing financial and other much needed support .
29 Compared with the old system , increases in the marginal tax rate ( MTR ) are seen to occur for the £75-£115 weekly pay band with the average tax rate ( ATR ) falling , indicating that both substitution and income effects should pull in this range towards less work .
30 And it 's the trend which , in addition to its desire to see our juniors competing on the same surfaces as their international counterparts , has seen our own LTA encourage the court manufacturers in this country towards the cushioned acrylic type of tennis courts .
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