Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] 30 years " in BNC.

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1 Some manufacturers guarantee CDs for only 30 years but Mr Bert Gall , general manager of optical systems at Philips , said the life of the average disc should be more than 1,000 years , though it could be reduced to 50 if manufacturing was poor and the discs were mistreated .
2 After nearly 30 years in show business , I have a great need of privacy for a while .
3 For some people , satisfaction tends to rise again after around 30 years , but this is certainly not universal .
4 But the importance of being a woman in the rock arena can not be over-emphasised — even in 1992 , after over 30 years of the genre , it must be celebrated , because the new breed , this new chapter is gaining power , momentum and energy .
5 I 'll miss football and the day-to-day involvement after over 30 years boy and man .
6 All the active plant will be kept on a ‘ care and maintenance ’ regime for approximately 30 years , i.e. buildings are kept weathertight structures are preserved , and any loose contamination will be fixed or removed .
7 For instance , the day 's two leaders in theoretical physics are men of about 30 years , their ideas have been generally expounded by men about 50 years or older and one is certain many of these widely read expositions do not reveal the mentalities of the young creative thinkers .
8 Their half-lives of about 30 years will determine the length of time over which the doses will be delivered .
9 On this particular issue , the evidence of over 30 years ' research is before them and there is no lack of evidence to hide behind .
10 Tom Robb , a teacher of over 30 years , can lend advice on may technical problems .
11 Devoted to his wife , Julie , and a family who shared his passion for the Catholic Players , Michael was a well-known figure in the Amateur Theatre in Bradford , appearing in shows and concerts with the Society in a period of over 30 years , rarely missing an event .
12 Tom Robb , a teacher of over 30 years , can lend advice on may technical problems .
13 For Bridget Riley the concern with disrupting the balance has been an enduring effort in the course of her work , now spanning an international career of over 30 years .
14 It also contained her unconscious valedictory : As a Catholic observer who has lived in the Third World for nearly 30 years , I have followed developments in the Church , at times with despair but mostly with optimism .
15 It allowed a splinter party , Swapo-Democrats , to appropriate and register the symbol which Swapo used for nearly 30 years , a hand holding a flaming torch .
16 The son of a labourer from Grenada 's sister island of Carriacou , which he represented in parliament for nearly 30 years , he cut his political teeth , like many other Caribbean leaders , working at the giant Lago oil refinery on Dutch-ruled Aruba in the 1940s .
17 He founded two cycling associations — the North Road Cycling Club and Cyclists ' Road Records Association , of which he was President for nearly 30 years — an unique achievement for a deaf man in a mainly hearing organisation .
18 In fact Michael has been working on the province for nearly 30 years .
19 Less than a minute later , Howard Bingham , who has been Ali 's personal photographer and best friend for nearly 30 years , appears in the doorway .
20 The most important and comprehensive exhibition of Toulouse-Lautrec 's work for nearly 30 years will be on show at the Hayward Gallery , London , this month .
21 For nearly 30 years Mike Hooper from Water & Ventilation , Salisbury was a rally navigator , but 5 years ago he stopped when a large tree jumped out in front of the car .
22 In a further sign of improving links with black Africa , it was announced that during the weekend of de Klerk 's visit to Kenya , South African Airways flights were routed over west Africa for the first time for nearly 30 years , the government having secured overflight rights with Morocco , Mauritania , Mali and Côte d'Ivoire .
23 The pioneering work of Whipple in 1945 began an era of portosystemic shunt surgery for portal hypertension which remained the primary form of treatment for nearly 30 years even though the consequences of portal diversion such as liver atrophy and encephalopathy were soon recognised .
24 Resident outside the airfield 's motel for nearly 30 years , it was beginning to look very much the worse for wear and , as other Ouragons have given in to the ravages of time , attract the nearest of museums .
25 In the first case a woman is seeking compensation for the death in 1962 of her 10-month-old daughter from leukaemia ; the girl 's father worked as a fitter at Sellafield for nearly 30 years and has since also died of cancer .
26 That has proved to be the case with Racal , the company which Sir Ernest Harrison has headed for nearly 30 years .
27 A TYNESIDE man who has worked for the Ministry of Defence for nearly 30 years will be awarded a medal on Thursday .
28 ‘ Edinvar has been serving tenants for 20 years and Link has been a landlord for nearly 30 years , so we both have a long history of putting tenants first . ’
29 Miss Olive Newson , who retired from the Sports Council in September 1983 has been associated with the Medau Society for nearly 30 years .
30 Perhaps the virtue most appreciated , with over 30 years of hindsight , is his sheer effectiveness .
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