Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] 's face " in BNC.

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1 The sheet had slipped off Granny 's face and I was horrified to see that her eyes were still open .
2 The shape of woman 's face was far in advance of that of man ; in the number of teeth they were leading evolution ; they had more grace and more perfect physical beauty .
3 All the same when he did return she got a shock when she found he was accompanied by Mike and a complete stranger and that one side of Ace 's face was bruised and swollen .
4 Not a muscle of Nan 's face moved , her stroke never faltered as she brushed and watched the flakes fall down on the newspaper she had spread beneath .
5 Lorre began improvising by blowing cigarette smoke into Raft 's face , laughing sardonically .
6 Perplexed , she looked up into Dane 's face .
7 He strides about the bar , playing unamplified right into individual 's faces , interrupting songs to tell pungent and hilarious tales of Tyneside , making contact , making fun of himself , the rock business , people 's clothes , haircuts , conversations .
8 I 'm sorry , ’ she said , looking up into Fen 's face .
9 I 've settled with her ; she knows her place , ’ Rose said over her shoulder , not taking her eyes off Coffin 's face .
10 Isabel saw the same shock replace the ferocity in fitzAlan 's face a second before his gaze flashed to a point beyond her .
11 The laughter was wiped from fitzAlan 's face instantly .
12 All the blood drained from Folly 's face as she listened , straining for the meaning that eluded her ears , and yet at the same time knowing that there could be no innocent explanation .
13 He heard the cry and looked back , seeing how the blood had drained from Ling 's face , then let the body fall from him .
14 You cos you know Bonnie yeah , sh she erm got offered a er job in Glitters in Camden yeah it 's a shop in Camden , and sh she told Honey and Dan about it yeah and the next thing she knows yeah like the next day , she 's talking to Dan and Honey and Honey comes out and says oh I went down to Glitters and asked for a job right said right to Honey 's face I mean Bonnie 's face .
15 She marvelled at her friend and abhorred the expression of disgust she saw on Demian 's face .
16 Isabel stared at that strong hand for several seconds before lifting her gaze to fitzAlan 's face .
17 Her gaze lifted to fitzAlan 's face .
18 A private smile murmured on Holly 's face
19 There was a wintry smile on Holly 's face .
20 By the look on Mould 's face it was a nasty , tiring , time-consuming punishment .
21 Then that discomfiting gaze shifted once again to Charity 's face .
22 At the look on Charity 's face she added hastily , ‘ For heaven 's sake , you were under the blankets ! ’
23 Hunt for muggers who put knife to baby 's face
24 When suffering eye tests in the darkened cubicle at the back of his shop , almost the only thing Henry ever managed to see was the pitying smile on Beamish 's face as he flashed up smaller and smaller letter sequences , all of them probably spelling ‘ You are a fat shortsighted twerp ’ !
25 Gregson smiled when he saw the look on Finn 's face .
26 The expression on Hurley 's face when George told him the news was reward enough in itself , but there was an altogether different reaction from the DIA when Coleman reported in about El-Jorr and his key role as the DEA CI fronting for Eurame .
27 Nathan looked from the jelly on Dad 's hand to Dad 's face , and saw the tears in his eyes .
28 One night , later in their affair , O woke up in the middle of one of his long and noisy dreams and lay there for a long time looking at Boy 's face as he slept .
29 The warmth from the hot pipe that skirted a side wall billowed across Holly 's face , rubbed at the cold that had settled under his tunic and shirt as he had walked from the compound with the trustie from Internal Order .
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