Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] once a " in BNC.

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1 These might be to : ‘ go swimming for thirty minutes after work once a week ’ , ‘ use the stairs rather than the lift ’ , ‘ walk to the restaurant instead of driving ’ .
2 These boys and girls at Wood Green school in Witney stayed behind after school once a week for the eighteen hour course .
3 It was almost three o'clock when Christina left Pauline after agreeing to meet for lunch once a week .
4 Art could not speak , he had become so used to meeting Daphne for lunch once a week , it was part of his life , he felt shocked , strange , bereft .
5 The signatories agreed to exercise " voluntary self-restraint " in the use of force once a Supreme National Council ( SNC ) of prominent Cambodians had been formed .
6 A walk before breakfast every day or exercise done after work every day — say a fifteen-minute run , a game of tennis or another walk — is very much better for you than a game of rugby once a week and nothing else .
7 Beryl 's love of movement and dance started at a very early age when she and her older sisters attended a local School of Dance once a week .
8 Bicycles can be hired free of charge once a week and tennis is free for 1 hour per week .
9 You will also be asked to sign a Certificate of Deduction of Tax once a year confirming that you are a UK taxpayer .
10 Expect your appetite to get out of control once a month or so : if you predict it , you can cope with it more readily .
11 She is generally continent but may be incontinent of urine once a week .
12 But I would have thought you could have got away with banking once a week .
13 They had a good diet of bread , margarine , jam and bacon for breakfast , roast beef , potatoes and greens , and rice pudding for lunch , and bread and jam for tea with cake once a week .
14 I did n't used to like going to college once a week .
15 We go out in the day together , we try to go to town once a week , and every Sunday we go to my aunty 's house .
16 Her own college , at first encounter , struck her as somewhat dimly conformist , with long brown corridors and an unexpectedly high proportion of young women apparently wrapped up in the triumphs of yesteryear on the hockey field or in the prefects ' Common Room , but even there she had discovered part of what she was looking for : in the persons of Liz Ablewhite ( now Headleand ) and Esther Breuer ( still Breuer ) she had discovered it , and rediscovered it there each time she met them , which was , these days , on average once a fortnight .
17 During that time I held honorary NHS senior registrar status and , to maintain my clinical skills , was on call once a week as a resident registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology and did a full day 's operating list once every two weeks .
18 Meadows would be cut for hay once a year , and pastures would be grazed and never ploughed , planted or plied with artificial fertilisers and pesticides .
19 Preston was familiar with the works of St Augustine , or , at least , more familiar than the majority of seven-year-olds , from the teaching of Mother Bernard to whom he went for catechism once a week .
20 A past employer of mine used to give himself a gourmet week at home once a year .
21 Such small firms will be required to account for VAT once a year , and then only on bills actually paid .
22 They enjoy being at home together : she attends keep-fit classes and meets her former colleagues for coffee once a fortnight , while Tom spends more time on gardening and playing whist .
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